HTML - The Princess Trap [v0.4.0] [Natnatnat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this is so good oml it's so sweet and fun and i love it, the story is well paced being interesting but it doesn't completely take out the fun, the choices feel meaningful and different, and i fr love the outfit choices they all look so nice it surprised me. I can't wait to see more updates :3
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll keep it short; one of the best stories I've ever seen. Really fun and excellent story branching, dev is clearly rich of ideas and creates plenty of toe-curling choices for you to choose from. The use of language is also among the best out there.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly tightened the plot. There are not many images, but they are quite cute. A lot of text, but I think someone might not like this, but it doesn't bother me. There are quite a lot of ramifications of the plot, although not globally, but still. I look forward to continuing!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Had a huge and pleasant surprise with this game, it's all worth the while. Fisrt of all, loved that almost anything you do, eventually matters sooner or later, this had me SO invested in the story and characters, and the developer really seems to be putting a lot of effort into it, since there are a gooood amounth of paths you could be taking, which is really admirable for a first release. Also, already hopped into the next version test build and let me say, it just keeps going. As it seems, definitely a game with a lot of potential (already being exploited) to keep an eye and support on. Totally worth the while, rlly excellent from my playtrough, all i can add is

    let him cook

    one thing i've gotta say as the other reviews mention, more images and a bit of more work into the ui would make this game even greater, and yeah, theres a lot of text, but it isn't at all a "bad thing" in my opinion, it just leads to your imagination to play by itself, like a really good novel; but yeah, more pictures would definitely make it more enjoyable.

    Overall excellent game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the most stunning mic drop first releases I've ever seen. The sheer amount of content dropped in .01 dwarfs many other complete games. It's well written, has branching paths, things you do matter to the options you can pick later, this game and this developer are definitely ones to watch! If they keep this up, they're gonna be HUGE.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Seems pretty good at the moment definitely at a very early stage at the moment but has an interesting premise and I like some of the mechanics.
    Story wise wile the origin of your character doesn't affect the story it's a good roleplay way as to how you want your character to continue on. As mentioned before the story of you taking the princesses identity is interesting and that you have to manage activities in order to stay hidden is cool. It's a bit heavy on the reading side but I don't think that's a big problem.
    My only gripe is that it needs o few more pictures in order to identify the characters that are talking beside the colored texts.
    But overall a very solid game and I am eager to see what come in the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's early and not a ton of content yet, but plenty to get a feel for what's on offer and what's there is a very promising start. Competent writing, interesting plot, decently crafted characters. Very interested to see where this goes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    For version 0.1.1 the games goes up to Day 4. There is quite a bit of content and engaging storytelling. There also looks to be different routes you can take and as each day passes the Queen will send soldiers to deliver a message judging your appearance and how well you do as a princess, which has potential to lead to soft lock endings with the Queen finding out but hopefully the story expands on the mistakes and certain routes. There isn't much to say about the game besides that it has a lot of potential.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the game is nice, a bit rough but nice.

    More picture sure would be nice (ai arts maybe) but this is not a big deal.

    Only thing I don't like is "Psycho Colette" the childhood "friend" who's is completely over the top...

    But overall the game is nice and there multiple way to play it so you can role play different type of character.