HTML - The Princess Trap [v0.4.0] [Natnatnat]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, great writing, choices matter and slow transformation I really enjoyed every second playing this game. It has a lot of potential and I can see it easily becoming a classic in the future. :)
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Fellatia 69

    I think "The Princess Trap" is one of the most outstanding interactive HTML games based on text.
    At least for connoisseurs of slower paced story development, and for me, it is always a very satisfying way to pass my free time, and re-drain my cinematic mind, within a romantic but also quite sweaty hot adult story.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An incredibly engrossing story with characters that you can't help adoring and/or despising.

    The sexual content is light, even avoidable to an extent. Even so, I found the writing so captivating on it's own that I never felt like it was a necessity.

    I can't wait for the next update, I am eagerly waiting.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply put, some of the best writing and characterterization in an adult game.

    My only regret is that time travel has yet to be achieved by modern society and that I can't go back and experience it for the first time again.

    Target audience is anyone who has a brain and can appreciate a beautifully woven plot with the sissification/transformation theme.

    It's a slow burn that captivates and teases you to keep reading and clicking.

    Thank you and well done.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    NoWay Jose

    Amazing prose. The story is incredibly well thought out and paced. Decisions made along the way have real consequence without forcing you into weird dead-ends. Aside from a few grammatical errors, the story reads incredibly well.

    One big point in this story's favor is that the MC's transformation (at least up to this point) doesn't involve sissification or submission in terms of the way the MC thinks. Well, unless you choose it explicitly. Another plus is that there isn't any of the cyclical grind that's usually associated with these types of games. How many of these types of games have you played that involved cycling through day after day to increase stats before you can do something meaningful? And where you see the exact same passages and images over and over again?

    If I have one complaint, it's that the story would be greatly enhanced by the inclusion of some more supporting art. If for no other reason, some of the passages are multiple pages in length with fairly long paragraphs--images would help break up the blocks of text and give your eyes some respite while you're reading.

    There are also precious few fap-worthy points in the story, so if that's why you want to play it, you might want to look elsewhere for the time being.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better games/stories I have seen here, if any of u played Heal slut or Play things and enjoyed them, then you are bound to enjoy this one too.

    I sat through the entire story in one sitting and it has been incredibly enjoyable, I cant wait for the future updates.. Please keep up the great work, Thank you for this gem!!! flap!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Intriguing and good writing. This game is an excellent work with immersive dramatic tension which makes players really dig into the plot and protagonist's struggle to enjoy the fun and conflicts of TFgames.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A text based male to female game with linear story containing excellently implemented player compromises, you'll need to choose which stats to level up daily in a manner that feels highly impactful to story.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing in this game is superb, especially the main protagonist. Although you control them, they are so well written that I can't help but root for them. It's so much fun to watch them enjoy crossdressing and their disguise as a princess in general.

    The choices this game presents you are equally as fun. Between choosing outfits, what stats to improve each day, and various other decisions for each encounter, there is just so much content and replayability already here.

    Absolutely love this game and looking forward to future updates!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the best written games out there at the moment. It's a slow burn and there isn't much sexual content right now, but the author is a hell of a tease and the story is good enough that I don't much care. I definitely recommend this to anyone who doesn't mind doing a lot of reading.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's so well written, i really like the characters so far and the choices. while i would really enjoy some more imagery i can't complain about the details that are written. I loved every second of it and i hope there is more soon. Very creative overall and nice story.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It isn't so much a porn game, as a fantastically written game which happens to have porn in it (mostly just if you want it).

    The characters are all enjoyable, and are tropey in a fun, well executed way.

    The plot is legitimately quite tense, it's a good story in its' own right.

    The MC absolutely nails being a mess of an egg (at least, if you play them that way as I have). MC also nails a lot of the feelings/anxieties/self-image problems that're common for trans women. (Also voice training is present, and gotten pretty much right, which was a pleasant surprise, as someone suffering through it.)
    The game also doesn't mistreat them for their gender, characters do, but the game itself does not come across that way. I am legitimately invested in a fictional blank slates' gender, and don't get the awful gross feeling that a lot of trashy stuff gives off.

    Some of the pictures are fantastic as well, I made what I knew was going to be a sub-optimal choice purely because of how cute an outfit was. (several of them are utterly delightful)

    The characters are likeable, the tension is high, and the MC is utterly adorable.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A good story well written. The author knows how to create an atmosphere and great caracteres.
    It is slow but so nice. I love the maid Colette and the others. The spy master is terrifying me.
    Thak you to thewriter and all the best for him
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game that's written well and with lots of content. The English is better than most games by a lot. The biggest issue which almost made it a 3/5 for me is that if you're looking for a hot game mostly, this isn't it. There are a few sexual scenes, but it's 5% sexual and 95% story. At a point after having played it for hours I started feeling a little bored and went from reading to skimming some of the parts, and I wondered why I was even playing for a moment, since I'm mostly just reading a fantasy story.

    For a porn game, the story is much better than average, but in the long streches where its not a porn game at all, its a just a mildly interesting story.

    I get that its gotta be hard to decide when to put in the sexual stuff while still keeping it believable and not make it ridiculous or forced, and the parts that are meant to be hot are actually hot, but its always very light and just teasing.

    So Ill say, only play this game if you really like to read story and dont care much about the "hotness". There are some sexy parts, but compared to other games on this site, this one is very careful to not be "vulgar". Its more like a fantasy story with some sexiness here and there, a softcore.

    Im still giving it a 4/5 though, because its still well made and written and coded, the story is mostly interesting, the characters are very good and have a lot of personality. The hottest characters for me have been Colette and the older woman at the banquet who sends you a "gift". The queen is also kinda sexy so far.

    The game has potential to be a 5/5, the dev just needs to not be scared of putting the porn in porn game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    While some tf games are iterating and innovating on gameplay mechanics pushing the boundaries on how html can hold your attention, this game takes the opposite approach and pursues perfection in its narrative direction regardless of the branching paths.

    Not only does it do this, but it does it all without needlessly demeaning the female form. If you choose to depraved things the writer makes it clear that the onus is on the player or outside pressure and not on the body, making it all the better when you do decide to do something depraved. But if humiliation isn't your thing that's cool too, because when I say that the game pursues narrative perfection in all paths I meant it.

    The style in this game is very clearly anime inspired, but it's not annoying in even the slightest, and might disappear with the slightest scrutiny. Plus I've never had this much trouble deciding best girl in an anime. More than that it touts itself as a fun loving adventureous novel with some genuinely harrowing moments of distress. Do yourself a favor and don't expect to play the game with only your dick in your hand, read the damn game and trust that it will get there. though I will say that it could use some retouching in the later chapters, and that it's a little goofy for a writer to suck his own dick by saying his own interpretations of the transition are "not at all stereotypical"

    When this game is finished I have complete confidence it will be the best TF game ever made. I can only hope that it gets finished within the next 6 years. I hope that the creator finds it to be a suitable way out so they never have to have a day job again. In a month I have a new job and I'll be donating also. I have to, in order to believe that one day I can make it out too.

    I'm starving for more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This has incredible writing and story development, plus an original concept and just the right amount of game mechanics. Really good stuff all around, props to the developer. I can't wait to see where this one goes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful and tantalizing story. I love the options between the storylines so far and the consequences your choices seem to lead to. My only complaint is that it always leaves me wet without enough content yet to let me finish.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Taco Bandito

    One of the best HTML CYOA on the site. The Princess Trap is an excellent mix of humor, story, and, naturally, smut. However, it truly makes you care about the story, the choices, and the protagonist. This is something you actually want to read.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, surpassed my expectations for a html game. Intriguing storyline and likeable characters. I was able to get into the story very easily. The choices you make do have visible effects and the game is heavily story-focused, without the usual grindy aspects. Would recommend, can't wait for updates!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    "I play this for the plot, I swear!" is something hard to belive in, but in this case it's true.
    As the author described it, it's a slow burn. You spend more time preparing to not get cought and socialazing with characters, which makes every little tease hit so much harder. And the choices you make on your way will have consequences hours after you make them.
    The writing is great. The language is rich, descriptions always hit the right strings, all characters have their way of talking. It's like reading a interactive book.