HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.2.8] [Vrelnir]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! I enjoy it a lot. A bit hard if you want to stay virgin but funny and complex.

    Thanks for the autor!

    The most amusing is to discover more and more interaction while you play and descend to hell with your girl/boy
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It pains me to do this, but this game isn't a good SANDBOX game. It might be a great text-based game, but it paints itself as something that it isn't.

    If you want to play as anything but the town's bicycle, constantly submitting to anyone and everything, you will have a very frustrating time. You get assaulted every 2 steps. Sometimes in the middle of the school, right besides a busy classroom, you can have your character scream his/her lungs out for every single turn and still get raped for half an hour with no one intervening.

    The grind is simply unbelievable. I feel like I'm playing a Korean MMO without the dopamine shots you get the first hour when you level up quickly the first 15 levels. The worst part is that it makes you feel like you're advancing quickly, giving you some options that give ++ STAT or +++ STAT but the actual boost those give is laughable.

    Lastly, the basic setup forces you into whoring your character out, otherwise you'll never make enough money to pay up the ORPHANAGE OWNER that would extort a high school student she/he's supposed to take care of...

    Maybe you are into all of this, if so more power to you. I come from trying out Lilith's Throne*, a much superior text-based game with actual different approaches to fit your playstyle. Go try that one out instead of this if you want to feel like you have a choice or say on the matter, instead of being dragged along for a rape-fest.
    *Do be aware that since the time I wrote this and now, Lilith's Throne is its own pandora's box of drama and unfulfilled promises. I suggest just playing the game in your own way, extracting any fun you can out of it, then deciding on your own whether you want to dip your toes into that pool of drama or just move on.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game!

    Can't wait for what's still to come!
    Already has a lot of content and it's only going to get better from the looks of it. A pregnancy system would be the icing on the delicious cake this game already is.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazingly well done game. Great combination of text and animated scenes. Fun story and extremely open ended in what you can do. Lots of fun characters and really interesting mechanics such as trauma and other such things. It's fun when you are playing and you are doing fine and then suddenly things fall apart and they situations can snowball and have a large effect. By the end your character is broken and struggling to recover, but in a fun way. I can't wait to see what you do in the future with this game. Maybe add some more teacher routes and other npc interactions. Would also be cool to see more job options and events/situations you can get involved with.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    An Excellent Hentai game with some minor adjustments it could even be a darker version of "Always Sometimes Monsters" But as it stands it's an excellent hentai life sim. With future updates I'm hoping to see more with Kylar, Whitney, and Robin. Possibly even moving out. It's a fascinating adventure the only real criticism is a few more non sexual events. Muggings are always rapes/molestations never just "give us your money" raising trauma and pain through nonsexual events would be interesting.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic text based game (which still has some cute animation, though mostly as flavor) that already has so much content! In some aspects it even reminds me of the classics CoC and TiTS, which definitely is a compliment. You can decide how you deal with any encounters- during and after. There's a big bunch of fetishes you can turn on and off at your own leisure. Its fantastic rating over 25 votes is definitely well deserved and I am excited to see what the def plans for the future of this gem.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I start playing the game because was a game i could play in my android to kill time, but got hooked, do recommend, but warning! it's an addictive game!

    Of course it could be better, if the MC was futanari and more options in cloth or body modifications, but the game is really great as it is. thanks!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolute gold.

    You start off as an orphan who is required to pay for your freedom to the person who runs the orphanage. If you cant pay then the money will be extracted from you at their discretion.

    It took me a few attempts to learn good tactics, how to use the map, how to best interact with people, ect. But once I started to understand what I was doing wow did I get myself hooked.

    Like many other of the best text based games it offered a wide range of interesting fetishes.

    The only part I dislike is the swarm encounters (which I turn off) because I feel there is no way to win / really interact with them.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of games on here... too many probably, but this one really sticks out as unique. The gameplay is unlike any other I've come across, HTML based or otherwise, the replayability is insanely high due to open ended nature of the game, updates are regular and normally substantial in terms of content and bug fixes, and the dev seems responsive to major bugs and patching them in a shockingly fast time span.

    This definetly isn't for everyone, if you're looking for tons of hot pix or super in depth story then maybe pass on it. (There's a story for sure, but it isn't a narrative like most VN's.) But if you want a game that's challenging(on normal at least), has tons of content, great writing, and caters to a ton of different fetishes, then look no further.

    10/10 will play again... probably right now actually.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Woah this game was somthing special. I'm often hesetent with text based games like this, they can be good and they can be terrible. Let me tell you know this is one of the gems. I have to admit I lost countless hours to this game. I'll definutly keep an eye on it as it develops further.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Qazex Saw

    lots of content, simple gameplay, lots of fun.
    Kinda difficult through if you start off on the wrong foot, because it's really easy to get into a loop of attacks that leave you open for more attacks.
    Not sure if that's a bad thing or a good thing, but definitely can get annoying after the 5th mental breakdown and 3rd asylum trip.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This was one of those games where I went in expecting to play until I got bored (30 min tops), then I looked up at my system time and it was 9 hours later! Deep stories and diverse twists make it good enough to start over with little remorse if my character takes a turn for the worse. It can be somewhat of a rough start so, be patient and read all of the text! Nice job Dev!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Update for v0.2.20.3

    What was once a silly little text based loli-rape game has turned into the Nethack of porno games. You can do anything because the devs have thought of everything and coded it. The sex content is still extremely rape/horror heavy and the "sex fighting" system means it never becomes all that fap worthy but there is so much game built up around it that it doesn't even matter. The structure of the game is such that it can be expanded indefinitely, and the team of people now working on it seem quite happy to keep doing so forever.

    Probably the only major part missing is a "good" end. There are some soft "bad ends" built in, but even if you master everything and build up relations with all of the other characters and do everything the game offers there's no Amulet of Yendor you can retrieve to call it done. You can't be voted Mayor or move out of town to someplace with reasonable rents and a million percent fewer rapists on the streets.

    Original Review:
    Basically a Marquis de Sade story simulator. You are the protagonist in a world with a cruel god that hates you and wants to see you suffer.

    Get out of bed, brush your teeth, walk out the door to go to school, get raped by a pack of dogs. Survive that encounter and walk one street over to get raped by a random person right in front of the police station. Nobody will intervene no matter how much you yell. Once the rapist is finished you get in trouble for being naked on the street, the cops then rape you.

    There are options to try to fight off the rapists, but all they result in is you getting beaten so hard that you shut down. The only viable strategy is to sexually satisfy every rapist as fast as possible so you can get on with your life. Also, it's probably very against the spirit of the game, but turning off bestiality makes the game much less annoying IMHO.

    The grind level is pretty harsh but there is a built-in cheat system that works well. Note however that some events are locked behind failing certain checks, so it's not always a good idea to max out stats early.

    I personally had more fun playing as a perverted boy who gets off on having women jump his dick every couple of blocks. In this case the tip is to take your own clothes off ASAP in a "fight" because rapists tend to tear them and replacement costs add up over time. Also your movement options become limited when they destroy your pants.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For a Twine game, this is pretty sweet. It's a good game with lot of options and fun outcomes, and it certainly keeps you surprised as to what all can happen. Certainly a game that demands a lot of attention and praise. Definitely play this game and watch for every update.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This has been a fun game to play. I like that there seems to be enough options to satisfy almost everyone's kinks (for now). I especially like the Deviancy trait. Really looking forward to where this game goes in the future.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The Story is good. You can go ur own way. I love the character creating becouse all these options. Thats my most favorite game by far and i cant wait for future updates. Some bugs should be fixxed and the graphic should be better but this is not a problem.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    dusty stu

    Hook: become a loli or shota person in a city where nearly everyone wants to rape you.

    Best: high degree of customization when it comes to kinks, difficulty and gender preferences. Game is still in active dev (as of Dec 2018), which means more content and bug fixes as time progresses. Sex system is robust and kinky.

    Worst: Learning curve can be very harsh. No 'win' condition, or even a strong goal to strive towards. By default, the game is very grind-y, although this seems like an intentional design choice to further player immersion.

    Score: 8.0/10

    Ver: 1.21
    date: 12/23/18
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The fact this is javascript/html makes it very easy to tweak if you don't like grinding, but there is enough variety to keep even the grinding somewhat fresh :) exploiting the use of multiple orifice and hands/feet/breasts is a welcome feature, as is the gender flexibility. Saving to/loading from disk is an essential feature given the loss of save files when clearing browser tracking history, etc. The animated gifs lend just enough to fire the imagination alongside the multilayered blow-by-blow (sorry) text descriptions All up, Nice work!
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    you can put a hairpin on and watch your girl grow her hair out!
    truly a game ahead of it's time!
    and you can turn into an awoo girl too.
    You can choose the genders of the named npc as well as the general genders of random npcs you encounter which is a nice touch.
    It's little lacking in the clothing department but the game's progress is still ongoing.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game, so far. The sprites and writing is very good. Hours of play time and many different paths to take. Looking forward to the pregnancy system and hopefully will be added to visuals. Adding pubic hair options would also be a plus.