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HTML - Degrees of Lewdity [v0.5.2.8] [Vrelnir]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is actually an old-school-style JRPG in a westernized twine wrapper, except instead of getting into a random battle every three steps, you get raped. You heard me: the 'battles' are just random psychopaths raping you. Over, and over, and over, and over again. Forever. The more you 'level up' by getting better stats, the more you get raped. Forever.

    Honestly, it gets old. Quickly. Sure, there are things to be said about the the character customization, the story development, the LGBT-friendly writing, and the cast of characters, but that all gets overshadowed and drowned out by the constant, endless, boring, rape. It's a shame.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very involved and fun RPG. Lots of non-consensent based fetishes (if your into that), but also a lot of other fetishes for the rest of us. Lots of skills and achievements to help guide progression. I always look for forward for updates!
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Rob Lowe

    The game is interesting and complete, the animations are simple but pleasant, the character creation is light but gives opportunities for different playstyles. I think it's a shame that there's no way out in some cases and you'll end up being tricked after a while, although this isn't a sign of the end of the game, but if you had personal objectives it's hard to keep them from me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    -The plot starts off with you being an orphan and wanting to go independent but in order to do that you have to pay back your care taker but until then your not going anywhere unless something happens

    -sound is a no, but just open a tap and put background sound or something

    - Animations is pretty alright

    -Art style can vary if you play on Dol plus, overall art style is pretty great

    -Character creation is a big thing on this, there is so much you can do with it but won't go much into it

    -There is quite lot of content, so no need to worry about getting bored

    -You can turn on cheats too

    Overall just a small summary of what is in the game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    have you ever wanted to live in a world where every single man, woman and child (besides you) is Rance? now you can! its pretty good, the constant rape and grind gets a bit annoying, but it's really addicting.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I sincerely don´t kmnow what score put to this game The gameplay ITS PEAK on the side of the amount of customizables and Options the game gave to you, But on the fappable and art desings it feel like im watching chep pixel art Porn, It lack of sounds and its just Weird like i am playing something made it on 2004 xd and it abandoned or some shit, Still it was pretty interesting But so weird to play and tryed to wank of but thats its just imposible so its hurts me puting a low score on this one bcs its very extense and so good in content. But still weird game VERY BAD WANK. 4/10 (Sorry for my bad english)
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Burner Dex

    This is the sex game I've played the most in my life, surely for over 80 hours on the span of 2 big playthroughs.
    At the start, I didn't like it much. It was really difficult and the fetishes were weird (I didn't know you could turn them off). Everytime I walked in the city I got raped and so on, if you've played the game you'll know. So I tried and dropped this game several times, while asking to myself what was so good about it to be one of the top results in this website when sorting by score. Then one time I started using the wiki more, I started getting enough money to pay Bailey (the "main enemy" of the game, that gives you an objective at the start) without getting forced into a soft bad ending, then I started not paying Bailey just to get forced into said ending and so on. I unlocked lots and lots of feats while exploring all the content this game had to offer, and I can say that it's A LOT.
    Maybe something I can criticize is that at the start it is too confusing, and at the end it is too easy.
    Then there's the grind: going to school 5 days a week gets really tedious and if you, for example, want to find a gold chastity cage for the feat you'll have to press the same keys over and over for a 1/100 chance to find a special box and then a 1/3 chance to find the actual cage. I still play it time to time (modded tho, usually just FireMod and BEEESSS with the community update, but I'm gonna try DOL+ soon) and I'm curious of its development, since the team is really active.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game in the genre.

    It has a ton of content and a lot of interesting places to explore. The customization is good, and the settings allow for a lot of different kinds of experiences.

    I will just leave a few criticisms that may be important to some:

    1. The game's sexual content is mostly main character-based, meaning your character will be the main focus of the encounters. There are some NPCs that you can romance, but even then, the PC is in the spotlight, and your actions to assert control are limited.

    2. The game starts very strong, but its structure weakens a bit when the player can finally resist paying the debt, leaving them with a lot of money and not an immediate threat to keep them in check, or a progression system to invest in other than the farm. (There are still threats, and the player can still be put in dangerous situations).

    3. NPCs react to the player's appearance in a weird way. If you go to school for a day dressed as a boy, they will refer to you as a boy. Then, if you dress as a girl, they will immediately think you are a girl. This breaks immersion a bit (even named NPCs react the same way).

    4. The player can become very strong but with gimmicky ways (speech) that can trivialize future encounters, making only a single playstyle viable. There is no option to make enemies harder (I heard that the combat system is getting a revamp, so I am eager to see what happens).
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Susu Sama

    one of the best games regarding what u want to do or how u do it, like choose ur own adventure, and creating ur character and all, also how u want it to react and such, like u can make a futa, or a femboy, or a chad.
    and it all differs on what u do
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice game that has potential for all the coomers out there a really great display of fetishism, good gameplay and a lot of lines to make the imagintion go wild of course it's not a game for everybody on this sit but i'm sure it could be i'm waiting for a lot of new tweaks, story, gameplay mechnism an evolution of the game in general because i know they can make it so well done lads and i wish the best for this game
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    i want to like the game but its just not very good. its a cool concept and i like the idea of a sandbox with all these things in it but right now it isn't worth the time. the gameplay is a slog at best but the ideas are ok. if you want to be disappointed and have a few hours of repetitive tedium i recommend this game
    it is mostly just repeating the same couple actions over and over again with little variation in the flavor text. if your fetish is being helpless and stuck doing boring tasks for little payoff that will disappear if you try to buy clothes, cause once you have sex you lose your clothes, that you bought with your money. there isn't much reason to play this game over others in its genre.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best html games of all times. Alot of customization. Tons of content that was developed over years now and still continuing to get new content. Anyone who hasn't tried this game doesn't know what they are missing out. I think every html game should strive to meet the same standards achieved by this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely phenomenal. There isn't much to say beyond just try it honestly.
    Admittedly I didn't initially love this game, but after giving it more of a chance and really understanding the mechanics (which admittedly is a little daunting at first) it quickly became my most played hentai game of all time.
    Also just of note, the developer is consistently releasing phenomenal updates for both content and bug fixes.
    11/10 definitely try this one out.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    very average/mid

    it has plenty of content however certain dev decisions turned this game to be mid at best.

    things such as punishing the player for using game mechanics to get rich. They force a gold chastity belt on you if you farm money at the lake pretty much preventing you from enjoying the pregnancy mechanic because the belt cannot be taken off, and it must be destroyed, but its durability makes it pretty much impossible to destroy.

    the blood moon exists which basically rapes your character repeatedly and takes away control from you. Its a bullshit event that i think exists to punish those that play the game too well and the devs dont know how to deal with it so they result to scummy immersion breaking events like this

    constant harrassment. Like okay i understand this is a porn game but my brother in christ this is far from enjoyable if the same harrassment event happens for the 50th time just because you are walking down the street

    We are playing a school teenager and it would be far better if the creeps were the social outcasts that harrass us and not literally 80% of the population that likes to rape kids. Each harrassment would be far more meaningful and each event more significant.

    Because of the frequency of rapes and harrassment, it makes them pretty much irrelevant/not meaningful at all, rendering them eventually a straight up nuisance and nothing else

    This is of course the experience while playing as a female character as this is how the game was intended to play. If you play a male maybe you would enjoy some female raping you, but that is even more immersion breaking to me

    At some point i seduced robin enough to have sex with him and the gold chastity belt prevents him to take the virginity because devs decided its a good idea to add this item

    overall, the game suffers from a bad vision and trying to constantly put you in lewd situations that at some point you will repeat 50 times over and know everything about. Terribly repetitional mechanic

    the game and creators also do everything in their power to prevent you from using the word "loli" and consider all characters adults breaking immersion for their own safety and this reflects on the type of content you get in the game which sometimes make no sense text wise. If you make a game with teenagers/lolis from the orphanage then call them appropriately or dont make such a game at all. I was contemplating whether to give it 1 star but i changed my review. It deserves 2 stars nonetheless just because it still does have plenty of content and isnt all that bad. Accurately its about 2.5; not 3 stars but not necesserily 2 either
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The best HTML in this site... The city is indeed dangerous, above the expected, but you can change it in the configs.
    The game is in perfect playable state, i just hope for more interactions in the school, because after sometime is a loss of time go there.
    I would love that the game have fixed characthers, not necessarily with history, but at least named. It would be a lot of work, but 'll give more life to the game too.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I generally dislike text based hentai games

    This is my most played hentai game

    There isn't much else to say, just try it.
    Also if you struggle with money you should work at the café until you can start baking, since the job is absolutely op.

    PS: Stay in school kids.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Set in the fictional country of England, this game emulates the hellscape of living in Birmingham. Unfortunate enough to be born as a Brit, you advance through life by selling various services or your own body on the streets filled with some of the worst people the earth has to offer. Rapists, drug dealers, murderers and French tourists. Day by day you work your ass off, only for all of your effort to culminate in all of your funds getting taken from you by your happenstance crime lord orphanage manager. God bless the Queen.

    I want to start off this review with a simple, but related preface.

    I've tried getting into this game 3 times in the past, and failed almost less than an hour in, every single time. Only in my current attempt did I finally manage to pierce through, or perhaps, wilfully ignore the issues I had with the game in my previous attempts.

    So, what was the wall that was stopping me, in all of my previous attempts?

    Nothing more than the simple fact that this game fucking HATES you. Almost every scenario this game throws at you is meant to demean the player character in one way or another. You're always at a disadvantage, and you always stand to lose. Even when you win, you feel like you lost.
    Now, this isn't inherently a fault. There's intrigue to be drawn from difficult games. A fair challenge can be fun, and overcoming it - as rewarding as it is difficult. The problem arises when your reward is.. nothing? Unless your idea of a reward is watching your character get brutally raped(fair game to you, if this is the case) or fighting back against insurmountable adversity, every encounter eventually just leads to disappointment.

    This is expedited by the fact that there's about 5 NPC's in the entire game that are even remotely decent people. Everyone else is awful, to an almost comical degree. Here’s a few examples:

    The police are a psychic, pseudo-eldritch force that can see your every move, regardless if anyone is nearby or not. They’ll only ever pursue YOU, and none of the people that are constantly trying to attack you or and make you an unwilling sperm receptacle. There isn’t a single interaction in this game that leads to the police helping you in any way, shape or form.

    Almost every teacher in the school you attend to, is more mentally deranged than your average twitter user. You could be getting an impromptu lobotomy in the middle of science class and the teacher would just go “that’s the spirit!”.

    Passed out from stress or fatigue? Well, shucks, buddy! Turns out the hospital you were administered to is run by a doctor who is quite literally the worst person you’ve ever met in your life. How about getting away from the sprawl of the city and relaxing with some yoga class? Woops! Turns out every single person in the class is a minecraft youtuber who’s ready to make you the subject of their sexual allegation apology video.

    I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

    Now, you might be thinking: “Man, sounds like he fucking hates this game, why did he give it 4 stars?”

    Because this game is one of the most compelling sandbox experiences I’ve ever had. I imagine if you’re into the aspect of getting your ass resized by every person you meet, this would likely be one of your favorite games ever. I had no such interest, and yet, the game still offered me a way through this awful world, to a surprisingly wholesome “end” (end is in quotations because this game does not feature an ending of any sort, as of current).

    Something that isn’t mentioned in the synopsis is that every single sexual attacker can be repelled. While unfair, this game doesn’t actually ever truly force you to surrender. If you plan out your actions, it’s not only feasible, but also pretty easy to stay a virgin if you so wish. Personally, this is the playstyle that appealed to me the most, because the main aspect of this game didn’t appeal to me at all.

    I managed to reach about 90 days in on my 4th run, settled with one of the few nice characters in the game and called it a day. I replayed the game a few more times to see everything it had to offer, out of the sense of completionism and my own morbid curiosity. I enjoyed my time with this game, even though I only drew enjoyment out of a single and very limiting playstyle.

    The fact that a game that would otherwise not appeal to someone like me at all, managed to grip me by the balls and made me enjoy my time with it, speaks to the quality of the potential for the sandbox being presented here. However, the keyword is potential. This game is extremely unfinished. There’s a LOT to do in this game, but the depth in the actions you take are nothing more than a pittance. I know this game isn’t yet finished, but this is something that needs to be said.

    So, all in all, consider the following.

    • It’s free.
    • A lot of things to do, you can easily spend a dozen or so hours trying to explore all the places in this game.
    • Good writing. (Outside of the sex scenes.)
    • The sprite artwork is great, and there’s a lot of mods that add more visuals to the game.
    • Speaking of which, this game has a lot of mod support - most of them are pretty great additions to the game. So much so that I’d be remiss to play the game without them.
    • A very large amount of character customization. A fuck ton of hairs, clothes, different transformations, makeup, you name it.
    • Robin


    • This game is quite grindy. It might seem strange to put this as a neutral point, but the truth of the matter is that I didn’t mind this aspect of it that much. Granted, after a few long runs, it really started getting old. Furthermore, this is what I meant by the game lacking depth. There’s a lot of repeatable events with minor variations. Generally speaking, the variations run out very quickly and you’re left with a come to Jesus moment of “what the hell am I doing?”
    • Almost everyone is either a rapist or some sort of do-no-gooder. If you like this sort of thing, this is most likely a pro. If you don’t, this is most likely a con. Therefor, neutral. Personally, I’m not a fan, but I’m leaving this here because judging from some of the reviews here, a lot of people like the fantasy of this.
    • The combat system is.. alright. It’s usually quick, and once you understand all of the mechanics - incredibly easy.


    • Browser game. Suffers from the same issues as any other browser game would. I hope you have a good internet connection.
    • You can (almost)never be the aggressor. Yes, the game advertises itself as such, yes, I’m not the primary audience for it, but come on. This removes a very large sense of agency from the player character. There should be at least some, even if infrequent, bouts of dom-play or something. This is a sandbox game, after all. I understand that this is the developer’s intention, but I’m vehement on this point through and through. The game would be better off with more options.
    • The sex scenes. The sex scenes lack almost any sort of eroticism due to the fact that most of them are limited to very few exchanges of words and very robotic descriptions of what’s happening to the character. This sort of writing actually benefits the regular events, but the scenes that should be hot, are neutered down by this very same aspect. If you’re anything like me, watching the simple ol’ dick in the pussy mashing together doesn’t do it for you anymore. See, what makes sexual encounters erotic is the nuances and the context behind them. It’s the small details of leg jolts, muffled moans, quiet pleas, and more - that’s what makes it hot. And in some ways, this game has moments like these, but they’re brutalized by the robotic motions of every sex interaction feeling like you’re refueling your fucking car. What’s worse is that this isn’t only present in the generic encounters. Even the love interests aren’t exempt from this. Oftentimes they’ll have a great leadup to a scene, but then when you get to the sex scene in question, it’s the same as if you were getting your back broken by a random NPC, only that you get ONE more line per thrust. If you’re lucky, that is. There are a few exceptions to this, but they are VERY rare.
    • The way the game handles the save system serves as nothing more than a hindrance. Loading back to a previous save is fine, but loading back to a save before it will exempt you from earning any achievements, which removes your ability to gain perks for a new run. Why does this exist? Is the idea to make the player’s “choices matter”, so that they can’t save scum to an earlier point to avoid consequences? Who cares about that? It’s a singleplayer sandbox game that’s heavily based on the choices you make. Of course the player will want to see the “what if” ‘s. Very bizarre.
    • The amount of encounters feels like fighting off mosquitoes on a camping trip. It gets old very fast. While I’m lukewarm about the combat system itself, the amount of encounters is absurd. I’m aware that they can be vastly lowered by fiddling with the settings, but they disable the perk system, which in turn imply that the developer believes that this is the RIGHT amount of encounters to have. They don’t make the game harder or more challenging, they just make it more annoying.

    There’s many more smaller issues I have with the game, but they’re extremely subjective, so I’ll end it at that.

    To summarize, I like this game. I might even like this game a lot. I can’t believe I’m about to say this about a game that has you get raped every 40 seconds, but.. it has heart. Granted, only if you look at the right places. The rest of it is littered with wild (although fortunately toggleable) fetishes and jank unfinished ideas.

    If you’re not interested in the introductory aspect of this game, much like me, but the idea of persevering in a brutal world seems like a fun idea, maybe give the game a chance.

    If you’re interested in being a neighbourhood bike and getting banged by every living creature in sight, then you’ll probably love this game.

    If you’re not interested in either of the previous two scenarios, it’s probably best you stay away from this game.

    Thanks for reading.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    best game so far out of all h game ive played this didn't expect to play it but it got me hooked for some time now hahahaha
    No need for fancy graphic though i wish it could be improved not by using mods and stuff but over its i five out of 5 for me i wish i could rate it higher hahaha
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best 18+ simulation games I have ever played, and byfar the most comprehensive and detailed. I like that you don't have to manage your character's diet or any other tedious details. Much of the focus is on maintaining your character's constantly eroding mental state. I really love the NG+ feature, where each achievement you earn contributes to points that unlock clothing and starting bonuses.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Extremely well-developed game - it suffices to say that it not only has a wiki full of info, but people even draw fanart for it. The development is going quite steadily, as seen on the git repo. High replay value, too - it takes hours of gameplay to just start feeling like you know what you're doing and can survive in this world - and then you realize there's literally dozens of achievements, some of which aren't even acquirable on the same character. There's a roguelike-like system where you earn coins from achievements that you can use on character creation to get a quicker start.

    Despite the disclaimers in the toppost, it *is* possible to play this game and not be "always in a unfortunate situation". Most of the dangers of the game can be overcome with sufficient stats.