VN - Ren'Py - UFO [Ch.3 v0.6.7] [17MOONKEYS]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is honest feedback for developer .
    Please give us VN and Big Tits Milf , Don't give Sandbox and Loli to us .
    Visuals and game experience are important , The story doesn't matter .
    The key to many good games is Good Fuck and Good Tits .

    I came back a year after the story started to add my review .
    In the first two chapters it is clear that the author does not know exactly what he wants to do with his work, and the narrative is confused .
    Now the quality of the fourth chapter has been significantly improved, the relationship between the characters is clear, and the selling point is very good. Milfs of various identities are available. Obviously, the author has determined the direction of the work .
    From four stars when it was first created to five stars now .
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.28.8b

    Simple erotic VN but not much to offer right now

    • Attractive models with some varied bodacious body sizes
    • Simple but effective sex plot unfolding

    • only one erotic scene right now
    • the male human could use more facial expressions
    • same generic bg music playing, displaces the mood
    • a few translation/vocabulary errors

    I would advice the dev to take his time and add at least 30 min of content before releasing an update. And some subtle sex sfx could be added.
    I like what has happened so far and like where it is going. Looking forward to more (y)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a different story line, something that actually is creative, and seems to be going someplace with the next update. Graphics are great, and well rendered. The spaceship itself is actually kind of an interesting area too.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Heard you wanted some honest feedback and will do my best to give it.

    Love the title screen music. It really does feel alien yet still welcoming. A good balance with the suburbs combined with the alien ship. Sure, some people might be turned off by the humming sound in the song but I enjoyed it.

    Did enjoy Alfred being the guy to give us boring exposition about what is going in. This is not an insult, most porn games do not give even half as good explanation on how things work.

    Did find the dialogue for the characters to be a little choppy. As you said in your comment, your first language is not English. So am lenient on the slightly broken English in the game.

    Though did find the part where pirates were able to completely control the home planet of the sex dolls, who despite having sex dolls, have better technology than the aliens that abducted you. Also, maybe ease the MC into the situation. Maybe something as simple as seeing something broken on the wall and fixing it before going full ‘save the galaxy.’

    Also found it hard to follow how the ship the sex dolls pilot at the beginning that has a damaged engine, can be fixed up and already on its way to the sex doll home world in such a short time.

    Love the part where Aisha and the MC both go through transformations with Aisha producing milk in her nipples and the MC having a much bigger member and getting buff. Also, did enjoy how the MC was super hungry. After a thousand years in cryo sleep that milk from Aisha must have been like nectar from the gods.

    I was tempted to change my review to four star, good, but the game is just too early in development.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    4 Stars
    reason why not 5 the game just started with so little to offer for a game this early 4 star is great and a bit over rating imho but i gave it 4 stars for :

    1: Potential it had huge potential if done right with the way the Dev made the story < will talk about my thought at the end
    2: models all available models 3 so far are great hot and well made Pam is my fav a milf with that body and ass what not to like
    3: Dev is listening and answering to ppl in here which is very positive

    if u looking for fast and easy way to get where the game is right now its worth looking into for sure but not worth goin for if u looking to enjoy or fap ( ATM )

    a personal thoughts
    its hinted in the game by MC " oh so i can make them mine " that he will be able to have control over them which is great since they are sex dolls by hacking them or manipulate the codes or something which is great opens so many doors and possibilities also with the bubble planet we can expect this game to have many or unlimited amount of girls in the game thats with the fact that this game in space which opens the doors of aliens and other creatures as well which like i said opens so many doors and possibilities ...

    ofc cant say the game missing that or this atm since it still pretty much have nothing but naming the MC for start will be great and the game need more lots more content and fetishes
    the game can be great thats for sure and the way the Def is going with it is so promising and assuring .
    wish u the best Dev and keep up the great work
    and thank you reader for ur time reading my thoughts :)

    ( updating the rating to 5 stars this game will for sure shine and the Dev truly doing an insane work wish u the best and keep up the insane work )