RPGM - Completed - Tunnel Escape [v1.0.6 Steam] [Elzee]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Of all the hentai games i have downloaded, this is the one i found myself coming back to the most as of recent. The CGs look a bit derpy, and there is a bit of a grindiness to the exploration, but the core gameplay loop isn't terrible and the battlefuck is well integrated into it. You fight monsters, you get raped, you aquire skills and gather resources, you fight them again, you win, you move on to the next area. Good stuff.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I had no bugs, no viruses, no crashes like some of the others on here. Overall great game. It has a good amount of H Scenes compared to most games like this and the rpg elements and gameplay if fun overall.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    art is subpar, boring mechanics and there is no consistency in the art style. More attention on the drawing style would have make this title almost interesting, but this is not the case. I don't know what to write anymore to reach the 200
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    version v1.0.6 completed

    this is 3.5/4 for me, but i didn't really like the H-scenes as much so i leaned towards 3. the game starts with nearly no story, but they made some attempt to make a story during the run.

    grind improved a bit from previous versions, you will still need to farm lower levels for ammo and use ammo smartly on normal difficulty. gameplay is decent, there is battlefuck, some are nice, but there are no multiple gangbang type of battlefuck, even when there are 5enemies, all just standing there waiting for the 1 dude to molest MC. this AI weakness can be abused a bit as well, most enemies have a weakness weapon/grenade to use against them, fight at first sight looks interesting but it gets boring pretty fast.

    majority of game will be boss fights, you cannot really let your heroine get ultrafucked because you get enough VP(viral points) and the run finishes, no bonus, you just lost a lot of ammo for no reason.

    battlefuck management is a bit problematic too cuz most of the time you can avoid it if you play it cleverly... which i dont like, i like when i dont have to dumb my play down to get my heroine some sex scenes. sometimes sex scenes are unavoidable if you are unprepared but it's rare.

    there are some H-scenes in battlefuck which i liked, but majority of it was boring imo. and there are no story fuck or anything, just battlefuck. so imo altogether it's a 3/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    For me it's 5 or 4,5 soo it's 5.
    Played on normal. Advise - play just on normal. If you think that all this dungeon easy, try endless dungeon. It's challenge...

    Yes. In this game you need grind to "complete" game. Just after "last" dungeon, game give you endless dungeon. And for this dungeon, if you want go further then -100f for example, you need grind. But game reward you after some floor. And this motivate to play. Interesting to see that happen after. I don't remember after that you recive magnum, but this is reward. And you can't buy this. After some floor in endless dungeon you recieve another gun.
    And yes. Each gun in this game good, but for one or another type situation. Some very universal. Some just for one type enemy. You need think. Some types enemys fully immune against 1 type weapon. You always use full arsenal that game have.

    Scene good. How many variation of birth scene game have I don't checked. Personaly seen 2 scene of birth. 2 just because I made mistake than collect seeds for run in endlees dungeon. And it's not easy to see birth scene. You need potion. Just one of seed.that not so easy achive, give Beatrice in debuff 1 virus point each step... For endless dungeon it's not very good... Yes, you can run in this dungeon with this seed if you have 1 or 2. Not 10. But it's more wate you time, if you want run in this dungeon. That's why I seen 2 scene, not 1.

    Virgin run...I tryed, but in last dungeon on boss fight it was lost. Maybe it's possible, if you want see credit. But it's really need grind. Just seeds give Beatrice something. Example some buff and debuff from seeds: +1 AGI and -50hp; +5 ATK and -1 AGI; +5 ATK and - 5 SP; +2% firearms damage and -1%damage resist.And etc. You can have only 10 seed one type enemy.

    Played 35h. And game for me still interesting. After "ending" scene, main thing -endless dungeon. If I understand correctly, not soo endless, but for now I was on -105floor. And it's steel not end. And I don't have enough core for mamon potion... But game still give reward. After some floor you even begin knew more or something knew can happen.

    If you ok with rogue like game, I think you reallly liked this game. Because real challenge - endless dungeon. But in this dungeon autosave only each 20 floor. So be ready. If you opened it, but don't have time, better not play.

    Bad moment in game - long animation in some moment. You not so bothered it, if you want just see final scene. But than you play in endless dungeon, it's main thing why run so long. Yes, beautiful, but then you just want challenge from this game, it's begin not so good side.
    P.S: Still don't have all seeds that I need for run because it's seeds from some bosses. And yes. Not all seeds from bosses good for run in endless dungeon.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice game. The base mechanics are quite simple, but the combat requires you to actually think what weapons and items you're gonna use. The main difficulty in the game is ammo managment. You have several guns which are suitable to manage certain sutations and effective afainst certain enemies, but you have a limit for every type of ammo, and there will be almost no option to refill the ammo after you departed. The game has great music, especially during boss fights, defently not smth you expect form a jap RPGM game. The game itself is short, it took me 4 hours to complete. I have no idea what the guys in the overview section are talking about: there's literally no grind. There's nothing to grind to begin with. Levels give you only HP/SP and perks to learn skills and nothing more. HP/SP never were a problem to me since on normal mode you can tank a lotta damage before you die, and SP can be easily replenished with items, given you don't spam every possible skill you have in every encounter you have. And you'Il learn basically every possible skill before you get to the last dungeon. completed the whole game without rerunning any previous level, except the 1st to get a buffed pistol.
    The art is great,both the main heroine and enemies look good. Every single enemy, except 2 bosses, have H-attacks and can pin you down and rape. The rape scenes are animated. Having been raped doesn't mean a game-over which is really great. The story is here, but it's really simple and
    Overall, it's a great game which I've not seen a while. It's very polished in almost every single aspect, you can see how much the developer tried to do their best. It's just a shame that's a pretty short one.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Game 4/5
    It's nothing "special' when it comes to gameplay, but it's very well balanced and meant to be pretty tough. Especially if you try a virgin run.

    The game is very well polished, mechanics are easy to figure out, and yes it's a grind, but this is where the game shows some brains. You get different loot and more lore/story when you do runs multiple times. So even though it may feel grindy, you do get something out of it. The unique music has this odd feeling to it - the first boss is the one that'll make you go "WTF" but then it just... works.

    The animation is smooth, maybe a bit hardware intensive. Protagonist is nicely designed as well, kinda like an anime mix between Ada and Claire.

    The perk system when you level up is odd. you don't gain stats, you instead get perk points to buy passive or active skills and traits.

    Like the AR? Get AR Mastery, unlock the special fire modes, and go to town - just watch your ammo.

    It's a great mixture between survival horror, rogue like, and i guess the story is there. Definitely took some time with it.

    It's a hard grindy game, and if you just want sexy times, use MTool and cheat. Makes it waaaay more enjoyable as a game.

    The game does have an autosave, and you can save manually when at base, anytime i 'lost', i ended up back at the base so the game doesn't screw you over much.

    Hentai 4/5

    Only a 4/5 because the pregnancy mechanics are minimal and even MORE grindy than the rest of the game, but there's plenty of great animations for the enemies, most h-scenes are in combat, and the girl's design is delightfully hot but not absurd dimensions. (No pregbelly except when birthing tho)

    The more she gets fucked, the more she ends up enjoying it but it's also not a 2 min process. You've really got to commit to it and actively let it happen, or bite off more than you can chew and end up a chew toy yourself.

    When she gets 'fertilized' you get a special trait that gives you a + as well as a minus. For example, +1 AGL -50 HP.

    The 'birth' scene is when you take a potion to recover your hymen (lol) and you 'eject' the seeds inside you. 2 or 3 variations IIRC.

    Overall it's a fun game, definitely grindy, but worth a look.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I Will give 3 star for now, honestly the grind on this game is just insane. But overall the art and the animation is good also her face after a SLAP is really tickle my S side.
    My only advice to people that trying to finish it as fast as possible just try to restock a bullet as much as you can and after finish the first map just go back again for the Magnum is punch real good
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Disappointed with the game by the end of the 1st dungeon.

    It's cool that animations are nice, and the music for the game is a fun different style than the Final Fantasy norm for RPGM. Art is also better than most.

    But it's a nope for me dog with the game mechanics. Laggy as crap, the whole limited inventory & board game style level progression system is also something I could leave behind, no explanation which skills will cost SP and why they cannot be used each round. But what kills it for me is the asinine difficulty for virgin mode. If you're going to offer one, don't pretend it is possible to achieve. I entered the 1st dungeon boss battle at 60% health on easy mode, Level 6 (you gain nothing from each level up other than 1 stat point which may be as useless as +3% damage), and within 2 rounds cyborg guy who can magically go from half ready-bar to "it's my turn now, hee-har" just picked up my 30% health character and started raping her. Oh cool, so I wasn't supposed to try to take out the dog and zombie bodyguards first? Or I'm just supposed to get fucked and have no say about it? Or maybe I'm supposed to use up the health restore items that restore 20% health each and individually cost more than I made in the entire dungeon so far? And because you can't save in dungeons I now have to decide if I want to continue on, or throw away the 30 minutes of gameplay already.

    Like fuck yourself mate, spend less time developing dumb rat quick-action mini-games and more effort into explaining the core mechanics that already exist in the game so players don't get fucked (literally and figuratively) in the first dungeon without any say. (y)
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    v1.0.6 (Steam)

    So, out of fear that getting the cracked version of this game would crash my game + PC. I went ahead and bought, then refunded this game after 2 hours of playing. Oh boy...

    To my understanding, there are 3 versions of this game. On R18, Itch, and Steam. Steam requires a patch off-site, sure no problem.

    Fun at the first area, the second area not so much ....

    The game as it is, was released with game breaking bugs, such as error "MOAN.OGG NOT FOUND" which causes the game to pause completely and make it unplayable. The demo was great, to say the least, but the actual game has massive performance issues.

    Fine, no problem. One crash happens every now and again.
    Did some grinding of the first stage just to have enough resources to CC, stunlock, and burst down one particularly bad enemy type only to get an entirely different error from meeting an NPC during the second stage. Not worth the frustration of the steam version of the game.

    I don't really understand the decision behind putting a DRM inside a buggy $16 game. Maybe the game is buggy because of weird DRM code? Maybe make a functioning game before implementing DRM?

    EDIT: The devs have a history of deleting posts pertaining to the extremely shady DRM code. They really don't want people to know about their very suspicious practices.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Was kinda excited for this game but after the first floor of grinding to see the NSFW content and No defeat scenes i was kinda disappointed. Artwork is still good though! I just kinda get bored with the similarities in enemies and repetitive gamestyle.
    Likes: jttth
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    One of the most slowest game ever to be made. Artificially long and extremely repetitive. Do not play this game on hard. It's not hard, it's grindy. And transitions from battle to battle as well as animation transition is painfully slow.

    For what it offers and what we get it's a solid 2.
    Animations are good, solid 4, but few in between.

    Good framework, awesome potential. Especially guns mechanic and survival aspect but it fails short on everything. Feels like dev bite too much for what it can chew and decided to call it a day.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Core gameplay loop is mid.
    Animation feel so sloow between level it's frustrating me. ( this is the worst point in the game ). You get like almost 30 second for that padding animation transition.
    Lackluster ending, fake pregnancy( her belly didn't bulge in battle ), lacks of kink.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    One of those RPGM format games that is on the higher end of quality, in my opinion. I'm knocking a star off a perfect score for what I believe it should have but doesn't.

    • The protagonist, Beatrice, is pretty hot with more plausible body proportions
    • Combat is gun-based, and differs slightly from standard RPGM fare (but only slightly)
    • Audio is serviceable
    • Decent number of combat skills
    • Normal mode for a challenge, Easy mode for easy wins
    • Good number of enemies, animations, and CGs when it comes to h-content
    • Virgin run is possible, just protect Beatrice's hymen when she gets grappled by enemies by pressing Z when the game tells you to. Otherwise, it becomes sometimes unavoidable to get penetrated again via ambush encounters where she gets grappled without her being able to prevent it

    • While there is pregnancy in the game, it's a "semi-mechanic" that shows Beatrice with a belly only when she uses a special item crafted with a rare ingredient, and childbirth is a rather disappointing cutscene that has little by way of variation in how it looks
    • After a while, the combat gets stale, though I don't know what else to expect from a RPGM title - it's expected
    • Sex animations are mostly just passable, and could have done with more work and variations to keep things fresher
    • Beatrice is only semi-voiced: she has grunts and screams when taking damage and getting raped, but she barely has any lines
    • A bit lacking in fetishes, if that's what you're after (could have done with the aforementioned better pregnancy implementations, maybe some others that skew into the extreme violent end of fetishes, but that's just me)

    All in all, one of the better h-games I've played, and with it being a RPGM title, that's saying something. It doesn't reach the highs of other RPGM games I've rated glowingly in the past like Karryn's Prison or Sol Rui, but it's definitely got more effort put into it to cement it as memorable among the dozens of RPGM games I've played.

    I would give it a 4.5/5 if I could. The protagonist is sexy as hell and I loved trying to get to the end without her being sexually assaulted, then seeing her violation when I'm done completing all the levels. I just wish what wasn't there, was, and the pregnancy "mechanic" was more fleshed out.

    [More of a shower thought: perhaps this game would have fared much better if it was in a different game format, like Unity or Unreal Engine. The weapons in this one certainly lend themselves to such a possibility. Then again, I've played enough bad to mediocre games in either engine to know that Tunnel Escape could go the other way and be actually worse. I'm merely wondering out loud that if Unity or Unreal Engine was used instead, maybe there would be more sex animations and a slightly more remarkable combat system]
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Negative 9881 Horse Power

    Art: 7/10
    Pretty good realistic but busty proportion with standard anime face

    Gameplay: 6/10
    Standard text based dungeon gameplay, but with rougelike events. Yes its somewhat tedious as you only have an option of few guns and grenade, but it tries to do something different.

    Story: 5/10
    You are in a zombie apocalypse and got your hand on the antidoe and trying to save the world or something. Pretty standard zombie story

    audio: 6/10
    Its decent

    Overall: 6/10
    its an alright game with good scenes. Nothing ground breaking with the art and gameplay but its enjoyable until you find the gameplay tedious.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The core gameplay centers around shooting mechanics, yet it diverges from the typical action genre, making it accessible even to those who may not pride themselves on quick reflexes. The erotic elements are woven into the fabric of the game, particularly during combat sequences, where the depiction of characters through elegant standing illustrations adds a provocative layer to the experience akin to absolute cinema.

    For those seeking a well-crafted gameplay experience interspersed with erotically charged scenes that enhance the atmosphere, this game offers a compelling blend of both. I highly recommend it to players who appreciate the fusion of engaging mechanics and sensual artistry.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Burner Dex

    The gameplay gets tedious real fast, even if at the start feels very different since the combat is very opposite from the average RPG maker game. The dev has been real stingy with skill points, so if you want to unlock every skill you find you need to grind a lot. The CGs are good, even if not exactly animated, and there are some rare kinks. This game has potential but idk, it didn't click for me.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.24a

    In terms of H-scenes - 5/5 amazing.
    In terms of gameplay - 1/5 barely playable turn based

    So the average is 3/5.

    You run out of ammo way too fast, the kick is on a 1 turn cooldown, when it really should have 0 turn cooldown. Attempting to beat this game requires you to grind items repetitively, reach the final part of the level, use the white flag item to teleport back to base, buy ammo, go explore, use the compass to teleport to the last level, and now fully equipped and with fullk HP you should be able to clear it.
    Oh and, the dumbest of all, a survival game with zombies where you have a knife in your inventory, but you can't melee with it, you can only use it to break free as a 1-time consumable, a.k.a. a shiv. Really really bad game design.

    Oh and, the performance is abysmal, in combat I get 25% CPU usage and 10 FPS.

    Do yourself a favor and drop a save, open the training ground with the code 100 and skip the actual gameplay.

    Edit - holy shit what did the dev do?

    Literally nothing has changed, just bug fixes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Slayer

    I was uncertain about making this review with all the malware stuff and actions that the developer takes with the copies he leaks but at the end I will review only the game itself and nothing else.

    If you ever played an oldschool zombie hentai game you will feel at home with this one, it feels like parasite in city X resident evil made into a modern game.

    The porn is great, from the expresions that the main character makes to the very big variety of enemies (each with a Hentai attack) you will have plenty of fun with this game. From normal zombies to zombie dogs to plants to even lizards and wolves this game has lots of sex scenes to offer. And they take place inside combat so you dont have to loose to see all the goodies.

    Even for been "under development" game it does have plenty of content and even an infinite mode, it does feature pregnancy (sadly you won't see her fighting with a big belly), it will show the virgin blood when loosing the virginity and even the protagonist will drip semen when raped (just like the resident evil progeny game).

    The combat is also a big part of the game, you will have a gun, machine gun, shot gun, dagger and the almighty "kick", each enemy have different weekness and you can even throw them a molotov or a grenade.

    There is even a misterious merchant that says the mighty "...WELCOME!!" (if you played RE: 4 you will feel sheevers).

    What amazes me a lot about this game is that is made on RPGMaker engine but the game does feel very modern and plays very smooth.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    [v1.0.6 Steam]

    Disappointingly boring.

    Unfinished, unbalanced, inconsistent, lacking in convenience.

    You'd think there'd be some point to re-trying runs in a rogue-lite game, but there is just no point, upgrades are chance and grind based, the main game is boring and annoying, even the story they attempted to give it is ass.
    • You can't bring more items than the carry limit, but if you get over the carry limit it magically gets sent back into storage.
    • Out of all items, junk type (auto-sold) have 3x variations than all of the rest combined.
    • Ammo management is a mess- must carefully manage, takes up reward space.
    • Enemy weaknesses are shit, forcing to use CARRY LIMITED consumables and other unreliable sources of damage, can resist already unreliable effects. The game's advice of "Shotguns for large enemies, grenade launcher for hordes" gets not just ignored, but inverted.
    • Scaling is shit- Stat boost items (get about 1 per 3 runs) give barely any stats, levels barely give any stats; but enemy stats basically multiply per level;
    • "Supply runs" can't exist because it takes way too much ammo and consumables to break more than even.
    • Excitement never matters- it's not gradual enough, fall fast, consumable that boosts it is capped at 1 for carrying.
    • Chances to start in a trap (there's 1 type), attacked, grappled, chances to fail grapple escapes, chance based traits, chances for debuffs to not appl .
    • Skills are acquired from random chance items or by intentionally getting fucked (fucked skills are just stat trade-offs).
    • The game wants you to want to loose, wasting every "struggle" system there is.
    • The only upgrades you actually get are miniscule RPG stat increases that don't matter (due to luck based encounters for hordes, elites, ammo refills).
    • "EASY MODE" got turned into the default for release version, no wonder the game isn't balanced.
    • Untranslated items, unskippable scenes, auto selected options, enemies with no drops, empty chests, missing (or lacking) explanations for items. "Q/E to switch tabs" where there are no tabs to switch, nested menus- full of space, must keep picking "others" for more options.
    • The amount of money you can get from a rat event in the first stage is 100~500; same for last stage.
    it's boring.

    The game is boring, there's no point in grinding, re-playing, trying to get the scenes, the menus are shit, some of the animations drag on and are seen in annoying circumstances, core mechanics (skills, adrenaline bar, pregnancy) aren't usable without intentionally forcing them; the game stages try to be different through annoying gimmicks, but progress the same way.