
Sep 8, 2018
This looks pretty great so far, but the really important question is: Can I be a femboy cat?


Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020

Thanks for the answer, though it's kind of problematic for the general store with shifts from friday to monday (so we have to wait 4 days without working outside special jobs).

What made me come was the tags and the result is correct for a first release.

The worldbuilding is alright.
The characters are few and different.
The plot is simple and vague enough to allow plenty of different contents.
The artistic side is basic and functional. Very blue, perfect for including Smurfs :p (sorry, I couldn't help it).

The protagonist decided to leave his country in hope of a better and easier life.
The characters are nice, specially Melanie.
Different kind of jobs available with different schedules and terms, to organize our life as we like. 2 side jobs for more flexibility and earnings (by the way, they aren't shown in our personal informations), though shouldn't they be available when our character is more comfortable with his body (look, capacity, mentality), particularly for the sexual extra, unless it's normal for him or that world.
The stats and skills are represented by their level but they increase by 1. So it could be useful to know how many points are needed somewhere (the library for example). Also, there should be a limit to how much we can gain a day, especially when sleeping is useless.
The relationship system seems tedious (200 to go on a date...). The gifts shouldn't be available immediately, even more if they are included in the small talk. There should be other type of conversations, more rewarding, and unlocking other gifts or eventual help. The date itself : while it's nice we are being followed, it should be great to know what dates are available and, furthermore, what dates the character is interested in.
The clothes we wear are purely cosmetic for now but will they have a purpose later? We can walk around without problem too.
The sex scenes were appealing, though 20 turns as a stripper isn't that too much?
There are activities that only spend time, not really interesting when there are stats to increase.

Some remarks :
If we work at the pizzeria, we gain +1 cooking skill in 8 hours while reading at home is +1 in 0:30 or at the library +1 in 1:00. I know some are limited but the gap is frightening. By the way, the coffee shop should also do it.

The time don't pass at the massage parlour whether we work or take care of ourselves.

We can continue reading at the library even after closing hour.

The strip club is problematic :
We can already quit the job even if we didn't apply (cf next screen shot) :
View attachment 2789053

If we come back the next day, we have to redo the interview process (cf next screen shot) :
View attachment 2789382

I worked on the ladies night. I've chosen the 2 men job and been asked for a private dance by a woman. But all I could do was play with her ass (no tits nor pussy), though the kiss in the neck or while fucking are great.

We pay a cover charge the first time. Shouldn't a membership card be better?

The "Find someone for a private show" doesn't always show up. And we can't even ask for the special service (it's always "Turn down the offer").

We can't work as a stripper a second day or is it reserved for ladies night as a male stripper?

If we shop for food at the grocery, we have to select one type to be able to go back (cf next screen shot) :
View attachment 2790172

If we reach level C of strength, there's an error that shows before almost any action (as a human too) :
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/areas/bakersfield.rpy", line 2703, in script
    $ minutes = minutes + 30
  File "game/skills.rpy", line 31, in strength_skill
    if store.strength >= store.strenghtlim:
AttributeError: 'StoreModule' object has no attribute 'strenghtlim'
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/areas/bakersfield.rpy", line 2693, in script
    $ strength = strength + 1
  File "game/skills.rpy", line 31, in strength_skill
    if store.strength >= store.strenghtlim:
AttributeError: 'StoreModule' object has no attribute 'strenghtlim'
There are others depending on what we try to do.

Be careful, if a line is too long, the end can be eaten (cf next screen shot) :
View attachment 2789163

There are some spelling errors left.

Thanks for the default name.

Always nice to see a new gay/bi game :). So thanks again.

Good continuation.
Big message. Thanks for taking the time to point all that out and sending me screenshots. The gentleman's club has been a bit of a minefield for some bugs it seems based on other messages too haha I'll be sorting through everything for the next few days which should be fun.

In reply to some of your comments, just to explain my logic behind some of the decisions:

Plot: I'm shocked you found one because I didn't put one in haha I'm just going sandbox with this so whatever plot and story there is, is based on how the player plays the game.

All the blue: Make as many smurf jokes as you want. I figured I'd get a few. I just made everything blue because white text on black backgrounds hurt my eyes and the blue made it easier to work with so it became the game's colour. I keep singing "Blue" by Eiffel 65 because of it

Grocer Job: It, and like some future jobs that will be added, are meant to be unappealing as they are low wage, no job advancement, no skill gains and bad schedules. Overall they'll play a role as a last place to work if you've been fired from too many jobs and it's all that's left.

Job comfortablity: The player character is a stand in for the player so if the player is doing it, I figure they're comfortable with doing it and it's ok.

Stats and skills: Needs a bit of an overhaul. I wanted to test out this way of doing it and see what the reaction was and then go from there. It'll be a bit different next update.

Stat growth: I know that cooking skill transition looks crazy but it comes with a balance to it. The home cookbook will only advance you by 10 before it becomes useless. The library one will take you to "D" before it becomes useless too. Cooking on your own or with Molly will keep advancing you and the jobs will help advance it too. I'm testing different ways to advance the skills so it just isn't going to one location over and over again to max out. Still needs some tweak.

Dating: There'll be more added to it as it goes, specifically as more areas to visit increased. The dates themselves are meant to be very customisable so there's no point telling the player is available because everything is available. You can string together any locations you want. As for what they're interested in, you can usually tell base on how they talk but the location and idea of the date itself isn't important as much as finding out what increases their mood. Better mood, more affection points you get per action to unlock the other features faster.

Gifts: I tried to balance them by having you only be able to give one gift per day and it mainly just focuses on increasing their mood instead of giving a big affection boost. As for availablity, it wouldn't make sense to not make them available for purchase the same way anything else would be.

As for giving it to people immediately, the reaction you get would come down to the person receiving it. Molly is a pretty open and friendly girl. She views you as a friend the first time she meets you so receiving a gift wouldn't be anything weird for her, even early in the relationship. Future people that are more standoffish will reject the gifts and take a hit to their mood and affection points because you're getting too friendly, too quickly.

Clothes: They will mostly be cosmetic expect for people playing halfbreed characters. As I open up the city more, you'll end up in more human dominated and fancier areas that aren't too keen on halfbreed and beast characters. Using clothes to pass as human will be something halfbreeds can do in those areas.

Sex scenes: haha I found 20 turns too few. Always ran out time to have fun. Plus you can end the session anytime by scrolling to the bottom and ending it.

Activities that only waste time: There for RP moments or if you just need to kill a little time before a shift or when one of the characters would be available at one of there meeting spots. I think most of them are like 5-30 minutes for that reason. Plus some areas might become areas where you meet future characters. Good to keep options open right?

The Strip club problems:

1) Being with the woman and missing options: This one confuses me a little as to what was happening at the time. Your options always change with whatever position or actions you or your partner choose. Could she have started a position that would have restricted access to those areas? I would need more information before I could give a more clear answer on this one.

2) I don't think I've seen a strip club or gentleman's club with a membership before (though to be fair, it's been awhile since I've gone in one.) Usually always just a cover charge. Plus if you work there, the cover fee is waved off as an employee discount so there's that if you don't feel like paying every time.

3) The find someone for a private show and special services are tied to how much money you have. I'll double check the values but if it doesn't think you have enough money to do the action, the option won't pop up. If that's the case, I'll do a little rewriting to make sure it's clearer.

4) Yeah, if you're male and working as a stripper, it's only for ladies night. I think the manager says you can only work that day during the hiring process. 1 day for male strippers, 1 day for futa strippers and the rest for female strippers is how he runs the club.

Spelling: Yeah. I've been too focused on bugs to worry about that. One day, some really angry grammar nazi will just email me a list of all the misspelled words and I'll fix it then haha

Default name: I'm glad someone else likes "Heathrow Burns" too. Had a nice old-timey vibe to it.

Thanks again! This is my first time doing this type of game and more in-depth programming and my first time having gay content in a game so it'll be a fun bunch of blunders that slowly get fixed as more updates happen.
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Nov 8, 2019
Dude I'm not fighting you so why you coming hard for no reason? I'm just pointing out a few of the download sites used here will a small percentage of the time swap out the legit files for something nefarious. Do with that info what you will.
Don't get your panties twisted. I understood your intentions. I thought I needed to clarify MY intentions. No attack from my side.


Active Member
Mar 15, 2021

Thanks a lot for the clear answer.

All the blue: Make as many smurf jokes as you want. I figured I'd get a few. I just made everything blue because white text on black backgrounds hurt my eyes and the blue made it easier to work with so it became the game's colour. I keep singing "Blue" by Eiffel 65 because of it
I understand it perfectly but a game isn't usually monochrome.
And now I have that song in my head :ROFLMAO:.

Grocer Job: It, and like some future jobs that will be added, are meant to be unappealing as they are low wage, no job advancement, no skill gains and bad schedules. Overall they'll play a role as a last place to work if you've been fired from too many jobs and it's all that's left.
Oh, we can be fired. Well, I've been 2 times 2 minutes late and, outside the cold welcome and the shift in the schedule, nothing major happened. So it's good to know. I didn't even try to quit because I don't like to hurt people without any prior reason.

Job comfortablity: The player character is a stand in for the player so if the player is doing it, I figure they're comfortable with doing it and it's ok.
If that's how it works for the player ok but I was expecting some sort of reputation for the NPC (some fine with it and some disgusted), that is only if they are aware of it.

Stat growth: I know that cooking skill transition looks crazy but it comes with a balance to it. The home cookbook will only advance you by 10 before it becomes useless. The library one will take you to "D" before it becomes useless too. Cooking on your own or with Molly will keep advancing you and the jobs will help advance it too. I'm testing different ways to advance the skills so it just isn't going to one location over and over again to max out. Still needs some tweak.
What I was trying to say was about the gap time/gain between the job and the other possibilities. The included limits are understandable. Also, the progress should differ depending on the quality of the ingredient used. Maybe learning with/from someone should increase it.

Dating: There'll be more added to it as it goes, specifically as more areas to visit increased. The dates themselves are meant to be very customisable so there's no point telling the player is available because everything is available. You can string together any locations you want. As for what they're interested in, you can usually tell base on how they talk but the location and idea of the date itself isn't important as much as finding out what increases their mood. Better mood, more affection points you get per action to unlock the other features faster.
Since it lasts only 0:30, I was expecting something more limited and organized. As for their interest, yes, some can be gathered while discussing but do we have to test everything to know for the rest? Ruining a date shouldn't be the intended result (Molly didn't like the burger but was fine with the chicken).

Gifts: I tried to balance them by having you only be able to give one gift per day and it mainly just focuses on increasing their mood instead of giving a big affection boost. As for availablity, it wouldn't make sense to not make them available for purchase the same way anything else would be.

As for giving it to people immediately, the reaction you get would come down to the person receiving it. Molly is a pretty open and friendly girl. She views you as a friend the first time she meets you so receiving a gift wouldn't be anything weird for her, even early in the relationship. Future people that are more standoffish will reject the gifts and take a hit to their mood and affection points because you're getting too friendly, too quickly.
Well, we learn that Molly always has cookies on her so it becomes a nice gift to do but it shouldn't be possible beforehand. So there should be common gifts for all NPC and individual gifts.
And I like that the reaction will depend on each character personality.

Clothes: They will mostly be cosmetic expect for people playing halfbreed characters. As I open up the city more, you'll end up in more human dominated and fancier areas that aren't too keen on halfbreed and beast characters. Using clothes to pass as human will be something halfbreeds can do in those areas.
Well, I was thinking they could facilitate interactions. Some examples :
if they are more revealing, NPC should be more willing to accept special services for stripper and massage jobs;
if we wear sportswear, we may interest more athletical NPC;
if we wear fur, halbreed could be more pleased;
if we wear feminine ones, straight men should be more interested;
if we wear a hat, those that like them should be more at ease.
Well, you can see what I thought. There could also be something with the colors but that would be a lot of work (if you wear an NPC prefered color, their mood could increase).
Also, there should be an area reserved to halfbreed (rejected from some part of the city, they decided to regroup to their own area).

Sex scenes: haha I found 20 turns too few. Always ran out time to have fun. Plus you can end the session anytime by scrolling to the bottom and ending it.
Well reaching each their own orgasm once should be enough but I may be in the minority.

Activities that only waste time: There for RP moments or if you just need to kill a little time before a shift or when one of the characters would be available at one of there meeting spots. I think most of them are like 5-30 minutes for that reason. Plus some areas might become areas where you meet future characters. Good to keep options open right?
Yeah, it's a good plan. I was just saying that stats and skills have priority.

The Strip club problems:

1) Being with the woman and missing options: This one confuses me a little as to what was happening at the time. Your options always change with whatever position or actions you or your partner choose. Could she have started a position that would have restricted access to those areas? I would need more information before I could give a more clear answer on this one.
I chose human, did the first kiss and this is what I get :
Only the ass.

2) I don't think I've seen a strip club or gentleman's club with a membership before (though to be fair, it's been awhile since I've gone in one.) Usually always just a cover charge. Plus if you work there, the cover fee is waved off as an employee discount so there's that if you don't feel like paying every time.
Like any activity, there are regulars. So membership or whatever you want to call them are bound to be created. Coupons (discount or promotional) can also be distributed.
The same could be done with the massage parlour.
But you can make the shops operate however you like.

3) The find someone for a private show and special services are tied to how much money you have. I'll double check the values but if it doesn't think you have enough money to do the action, the option won't pop up. If that's the case, I'll do a little rewriting to make sure it's clearer.
Well, I could accept that explaination but, when I entered the strip club, the option was there. I decided to watch the show first and the option wasn't there anymore. And after watching several other show, the option reappeared. That's why I founded it strange.

4) Yeah, if you're male and working as a stripper, it's only for ladies night. I think the manager says you can only work that day during the hiring process. 1 day for male strippers, 1 day for futa strippers and the rest for female strippers is how he runs the club.
While I didn't really paid much attention after being told to strip, I had already suspected it was the case.
On another side, I was expecting some gay private shows or individual private shows to be available.

Spelling: Yeah. I've been too focused on bugs to worry about that. One day, some really angry grammar nazi will just email me a list of all the misspelled words and I'll fix it then haha
That's exactly my intention : making a reminder before someone more sensible to it comes by.

Default name: I'm glad someone else likes "Heathrow Burns" too. Had a nice old-timey vibe to it.
Since I'm not a native english speaker, I may not have the right reference but the first name is definively original (I thought it was because of the airport, sorry).
Devs usually allow the players to choose their name for those that immerse themselves but forget to put in a default one for the other ones and I'm stuck being called player or X :(. So I'm grateful when a dev do his job competely. Thanks.

Thanks again! This is my first time doing this type of game and more in-depth programming and my first time having gay content in a game so it'll be a fun bunch of blunders that slowly get fixed as more updates happen.
As long as you're fine with it and don't do it to please contributors and/or players (the number of games that only have one gay character among a myriad/multitude of women is astonishing), you'll certainly do a good job on the long term and everything will come naturally. Making a bi game is very rare so I congratulate and applaud your choice very much.

Good continuation.


Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020
Oh, we can be fired. Well, I've been 2 times 2 minutes late and, outside the cold welcome and the shift in the schedule, nothing major happened. So it's good to know. I didn't even try to quit because I don't like to hurt people without any prior reason.
Yeah, 3 strikes and then you are fired and locked out of working there again.

What I was trying to say was about the gap time/gain between the job and the other possibilities. The included limits are understandable. Also, the progress should differ depending on the quality of the ingredient used. Maybe learning with/from someone should increase it.
The good news is that you can cook with Molly after you get her affection passed 500. When you visit her, she'll invite you inside and you get the option to cook with her. If your skill is low, you get an extra point as she teaches you but she isn't a master so it's only if your skill is low. She also helps you raise your knowledge skill faster if you study with her at the library but only to a point. This will carry over with other characters as each will be more skilled in some things than others.

Well, we learn that Molly always has cookies on her so it becomes a nice gift to do but it shouldn't be possible beforehand. So there should be common gifts for all NPC and individual gifts.
And I like that the reaction will depend on each character personality.
You can say that this and the clothing stuff is just simplified because it is still early in development. I can't say for certain what will fully happen with either yet until they start being used more. Might end up changing the whole system around when it come time. Might not.

I chose human, did the first kiss and this is what I get :
Yeah, that's definitely messed up haha I'll add it to my list of fixes.

Well, I could accept that explaination but, when I entered the strip club, the option was there. I decided to watch the show first and the option wasn't there anymore. And after watching several other show, the option reappeared. That's why I founded it strange.
That's probably just a missing line when I programmed it. It's on the list.

While I didn't really paid much attention after being told to strip, I had already suspected it was the case.
On another side, I was expecting some gay private shows or individual private shows to be available.
I'll be doing some touch ups to the way some of the gay stuff is handled. My plan is still to give it a more underground gay scene to have it work with the time period. Just going to take some tweaks here and there to make it work.
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Aug 13, 2019
I dont want to be that guy but this game would have been much better in twine/html format. Also Im not sure if its just me but it seems to be pretty empty or just slow...


Nov 12, 2019
I hadn't thought about it because it's too early to worry about late game content like that. Like a lot of the specific fetishes, it'll have to wait until later and see how much support there is for it.
add in male pregnancy and ill give you money
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Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020
Updated the links for v0.1.1 to patch some of the problems. See the changelog for full details. Thanks to everyone that posted any issues.


Oct 5, 2017
add in male pregnancy and ill give you money
I second this!

Gave the game a go, it has a good flow to it, it's a good game. Found a bug while playing it, you might wanna rename the line in Skills

store.strrength to store.strength

Otherwise it's gonna yell at the player's face while holding a megaphone, not a good experience : )

Few things i would suggest for the far future is to allow the player to customize their bodies, for example, increase ball and cock size, breast sizes, bigger butts and/or thighs, increase volume of loads, things like that. Also if not yet planned, having a healthy variety of characters available for romance could be a good selling point for the game as well. By variety, not only by body parts (vagina, penis), but by body types as well (masculine male, feminine male, tomboyish female, voluptuous female).

Regarding writing routes for unique npcs, i can understand how difficult if might be for only one writer to write several unique encouters with different characters, an example of this would be Broken Dreams Correctional Center. It can take a long, long time for just one character to get a full set of features for their own routes. Let's say you're still writing up a female character, but you have people playing the game that are just not into that one character because of X reasons (could be not interested in females, or her personality, her body part sizes, etc). It's true that with time, it'll get done and you'll proceed to write another character, but after seeing so many, many games that took this approach, i can tell you that it's gonna be a long, long time to write one character (taking into account the dialogue for different player body parts, body types, relationship events, pregnancy dialogue, etc).

Just want to suggest an alternative, make a universal relationship system that all characters can use, and for each encouter or scene, "snapshots" of dialogue that appear during dialogues, single sentences. You can put your efforts in detailing the scene itself, npc reactions based on mood or interests, many ways to customize the system, because all the npcs are going to be using it. Not only that, but even generated npcs could use it, and could have encounters and dialogues that are based on each npc personality archetype (Kind, Bratty, Sassy, Shy, etc). This way you'll be writing content that many npcs could use instead of only one, each sentence would be describing the scene, or a comment from an npc about a specific topic, and so on, while still letting the player's imagination flow in and picturing the scene and filling gaps between interactions and during conversations (it is a text game, imagination goes a long way),

It has a good foundation for a simulator game, and allows for multiple kinks and orientations to enjoy it, instead of only going for straight or futa, which could push people away. Player freedom of choice to customize what they wish to experience is important in games like these, i feel. Welp, that's that, just wanted to share my thoughts on the game. : )
Last edited:


Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020
Thanks for checking the game out and sharing your thoughts.

Regarding writing routes for unique npcs
Regarding this, you don't have to worry about anything because it's only the v0.1 series. I purposely only released one character to play test and work out all the systems relating to dating and sexing the characters. Before I had written a single line of code for this game, I wrote up the profiles and direction for the first 6 characters. In the super early stages here, it's just easier to make changes to the character template with 1 character than it is with 6 haha

Once the v0.1 series is over, 3 new npcs will be introduced in v0.2. I'll be alternating adding characters and districts per major update.
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Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020
v0.1.2 Guide To the New Content If You Need Help:

Access the exploring part: Requires Molly Affection > 100 to get her to follow you and for her to say that she wishes she could explore the town more. (Happens during various small talk or date situations. If all else fails, ask her about the surrounding location when talking to her outside of her apartment.)

Access the new intimate scene: Requires Molly Affection > 500 and to have been intimate with her previously

New Location: A Park found during exploring. Gives you a new date location and the ability to increase yours and Molly's endurance for free. Also unlocks the ability to buy a ball because what park date with a doggirl is complete without playing some ball?

How to raise Molly's stats: Just like yours. Take her to the gym or library.
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Dec 20, 2017
I copied my saves from one PC to another, and now when I try to load them, it gives a message saying the save is from a different device and that it can harm my PC. This in itself isn't a problem. The problem is while there's a choice between loading the save or not, choosing to continue loading it does nothing.

Saint Blackmoor

Saint and Sinner
Oct 26, 2017
The first time I tried a game like this, I liked it.

This dialogue confused me. The Spooner St. philosophy?
Just watch out for some of the more...perverted locations if that’s not what you’re into. The Spooner St. philosophy is to cater to everyone, so don’t be surprised to see stuff like that.

When the images are added, it will be much better. Thanks for the share, Uncle Artie.


Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020
I copied my saves from one PC to another, and now when I try to load them, it gives a message saying the save is from a different device and that it can harm my PC. This in itself isn't a problem. The problem is while there's a choice between loading the save or not, choosing to continue loading it does nothing.
Like, choosing to load the save in-game?

The first time I tried a game like this, I liked it.

This dialogue confused me. The Spooner St. philosophy?
Just watch out for some of the more...perverted locations if that’s not what you’re into. The Spooner St. philosophy is to cater to everyone, so don’t be surprised to see stuff like that.

When the images are added, it will be much better. Thanks for the share, Uncle Artie.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, even in this early state.

Haha I guess I managed to put some outdated phrases in the game after all. Add that authentic old timey feel to it haha

If you haven't seen "philosophy" used in this context before, it's use to describe a person's or location's mission or purpose. Like: "My personal philosophy is to never say no because you're just going to miss out on some wild fun otherwise." Stuff like that.

Molly is just saying that Spooner St was purposely designed to appeal to people's pleasure. Its "philosophy" is: come eat and get laid haha
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New Member
Apr 1, 2018
I have the same Issue, gave me the same message I clicked "Yes" and nothing, refused to load the save.


Game Developer
Feb 17, 2020
Alright so if it's a save that isn't loading while in-games, there's a good chance the location you saved at might have changed in the new update and now can't load it. Just go to your autosaves and try them. Renpy autosaves at every choice so you shouldn't lose a lot of progress.