Others - Completed - Girl vs Girl [Nanakusadou]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually leave reviews, but I felt compelled to leave one on this game.
    It's a cutesy game where you're an ambitious treasure hunter on Porn Game Island - that's right, the game doesn't take itself seriously.

    On such island, you look through buildings for treasure, while a rival is looking through the same building. In order to beat your rival, you need to pick up 5 different pieces of treasure before your rival. You can stall them by setting traps, and make them drop their treasures by giving them enough damage/killing them.

    Several traps are available, some which rape/molest their victims, others which leave them in a bloody pile of flesh and bones on the floor before respawning (yes, there's 'gore' but it's loony-toones cartoon gore. Still.)
    Setting these traps to best your arrogant rivals, while avoiding the traps yourself to ultimately prevail is a very fun experience.

    Beyond that, there are the characters. Our protagonist isn't some innocent maiden going into a dungeon to avoid getting raped. Sure, she doesn't want to get her pussy railed or straddled by a wooden horse, but she knows that may become her fate. As do the other characters; they're setting the traps after-all. Then there's the inhabitants of the later ruins; beings blessed with unbridled lust that will rape the girls, stalling them.

    The story is simple, it's not great but also not awful.

    Really enjoyed playing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Underrated classic gem of a hentai game. Not a whole bunch of content, you can probably finish the game in an afternoon, but it's all very cute and well animated, and as a person with very little guro tolerance i found the occasional hyperviolence rather comedic in tone, not gruesome. That is partially because of the pixelart and partially because the game itself is a very fun lighthearted romp in the spirit of the original spy vs spy games.

    The gameplay seems incomprehensible at first but once you get a hang of it it's pretty engaging. You look for treasure while placing traps (some of them erotic) for the other girl, while she does the same. In the later stages you may encounter different monsters that can rape the girls and the level complete/defeat cg changes accordingly. Pretty fun.