Innocent Chloe

Active Member
Jul 23, 2017

Thank you but the money does not come from supporters. Five of us are working on it + trainees from universities and we will expand soon. Some of the tasks we outsource to external company.
Multiplayer is already under test, now on a dedicated server. The physics of the hairs, cloths and the locomotion works well in multiplayer. VR as well, but it is not ready yet. Now all we have to do is finish our animation plugin/widget/blueprint, which can be set 2 or more characters and can set and controll their anim sequences with anim blends or splines.
Many features have not been included in released alpha, cos as they are already made for the new physics /Chaos UE 4.26, alpha use UE 4.25.1/ the main project will only be transferred to Chaos physics.
We still have a lot to do, but what we promised for the basic functions of the game will be done nearly. Most of them are under optimization. One more year /or more/ before 1.0 is ready, by then they might be bug-free as well. We have time, we are not in a hurry, it already works genesis 8 morph copy also the user versions. We are pretty good at keeping our promises :)

The following build /Alpha 0.8/ already includes the initial multiplayer functions + genesis 8 morph copies / texture was already included the v0.7/, Xgen groom hairs, realistic waters and the whole project already comes with the new Chaos physics that Unreal 5 will use.
Firstly, thank you for the detailed response and again I genuinely hope and would love to see you complete this project!

Secondly, just an observation but you seem to be trying to defend your project on here quite a lot and I get that urge too but it can become a vicious cycle.

My advice is to read the criticisms on here and either respond to it by actually taking it into consideration and ignoring the criticism you don't like.

But explaining things, at least in the manner you have benefits no one. The people on these forums have played many of these projects (1000+ of these projects to be exact) and have seen them come and go and seen what has worked and what hasn't worked. Most people on here are not game devs even myself I would not class as that as I own a company but am not a dev myself but that does not mean they have not developed a finely attuned sense of things based on those 1000+ projects they have played and seen come and go.

So arguing or defending yourself against such a community is just a waste of your own time. It would be better to just ignore the feedback you don't like and think to yourself; they will be proven wrong in our future versions.

Just pick your comments out on here - explain things simply and make note of genuine feedback that you can use to improve your project, but arguing with the community and attacking the community will get you no where (your post about people not being able to Google something a few pages back among a few other attacks on the feedback you've gotten)

Just bear in mind many people on this forum (myself included) have been burned by other devs where we supported them on Patreon and they have just cancelled their project with no warning and vanished with everyone's money.

As a result, you are dealing with people who are cautious not to be rude or mean but due to prior experiences and it is important not to take that personally but rather to just prove us wrong with your future updates and by seeing this project through to completion. As you update this project and follow through on your promises you will see an instant change in the tone of the community.

A good example of this tone change in the community is Last Barbarian just look the first few pages of comments and then look how overly positive the comments are on the last pages of the thread as well as how positive the 19 reviews are.

This is especially a good example as just look at Viktor Black's Patreon - 806 supporters - 4000 USD per month in support. Which when they started Last Barbarian was nil or nearly nil as far as I can recall.


Feb 7, 2020
We start working at UE4.25. 4.25 use old Nvidia/Epic based physics. 4.26 released at the end of December. It ll use Chaos based physics engine /Beta version, with a lot of bugs/. 4.26 start the switch the whole Unreal physics Engine which has been used for about 10 years. 5.0 arrives in this summer. Our game made for 5.0. When we done the developement, the RTX 3000 series cards will be a year and a half olds. Why would we start developing the existing configurations? Cyberpunk was released in 2013, should it have been optimized for that configs?

Test build is a Test build. We need to test the material editor and the maps as well. They take up a lot of space, which can later be downloaded separately at no extra costs. However, if we want to test it, it will be included. We currently have more than 80 maps /more than 300GB..../. you can save space by reusing meshes and textures, e.g., in AAA titels. but in a moded game, each map uses a different mesh and textures. Not unified, for exemple you have stylized Manga environment or Megascanned scifimap in same game, you need much more space for it. Most of the Genesis 8 characters already use a 4k texture. 1 texture around 10 - 30mb / image and you need 11 x4 for that /Dif, roughness, metallic, Normal / or sometimes more if you need opacity, decal or others. So one character easy to reach 400-500MB. This is the future, AAA games use low poly characters, max 10k polys, Genesis 8 Characters 80K-120K poly + clothes, hairs.....My Vam folder reached 350GB, Skyrim more than 500GB....

All our assets whitch one we used are purchased with the appropriate license, we pay close attention to this. I can show the right documents for anything what we used.
Yo bro. its clearly that you havent made any research whatsoever. "Cyberpunks TRAILER was released 2013" and wasnt RELEASED. CYBERPUNK WAS MADE BY CDPR. A real company who knows what they where doing. The started the REAL PROJECT by 2016, released a FAKE DEMO by 2018, so basically they didn't had time to finish the game.

Also, if you really had an appropriate license to your "LICENSED ASSETS" that was DUMPED within the game, people will be gladly to support you even more.

So I will side with the others and say that this will be an abandoned project once you guys hit a wall. A team of 5 persons that doesn't know wtf they're doing. Anyway Cheers and goodluck


Aug 31, 2017
Anyone downloaded this shit yet? Is it just another walking simulator with nothing to do and just a bunch of open empty space which jacked up the file size?
May 27, 2017
Anyone downloaded this shit yet? Is it just another walking simulator with nothing to do and just a bunch of open empty space which jacked up the file size?
Might as well hop onto Onision's Onlyfans, seeing as the Daz content he used was at least made specifically by/for him, even if cursed 99% of the time

Just do yourself a favor, don't download this. Make use of your internet speed and storage size by downloading something, that ain't just a main menu, with 100 gigs of folder size


New Member
Sep 25, 2020
[QUOTE =“ nnornor,帖子:4954323,成员:861132”]


Jun 11, 2017
The dev: your attitude does not inspire ppl to try your tech demo. This is not alpha but tech demo. Learn basic terms, then try to respond to ppl with 10x times your experience.

For 0.8:
REMOVE ALL ASSETS, especially 32 GB CLOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you want ppl to download and TRY your product, be so kind and reward their download with space that is taken by USABLE items, not big worlds, not megascans.

Once you reach maturity (both in language and in age), and you learn basic development practices (I work in 30k ppl software company), THEN you can actually say to people : READ my release notes.

Because your release notes do not explain why the "game" is 42GB. They do not explain that the orc's skin resolution is 256x256 (the only sex scene I saw) but bathroom tiles that you never get to see are 8k texture.

Learn to make RELEVANT choices. Size depends on usage. People download as they are curious to see your work and if its good, they will pay. If everybody tells you the size is laughable, instead of reverting them to this being ALPHA, try reading what makes for a tech demo - physics, motion, basic texturing, etc. Not megaworld scans.
  • Red Heart
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Tinus Tushy

Apr 27, 2018
Oowwwkay... I just wanna voice something...

I downloaded this, not minding the fact that it's not complete, huge and under development.
42gb's is downloaded pretty fast on my fibreoptic-internet.

I run a fairly fast system. i9 9900K, 32gb's of ram @3200mhz and a 1080OC edition gpu.
Not had the chance to get to the 3rd gen yet.

All, literally áll triple A games I buy from steam run super smooth on my rig, with high settings and up.
Only when I switch to triple screen mode do I have to drop to medium.
I know I don't have an RTX GPU, but that's underway when (or íf lol) the prices drop.

I can't even load the orc village in Low mode????

Either work on efficiency or add an RTX on/off function to the game.
But as it stands, for me, it's unplayable... Making it the véry first game EVER on my rig I can not decently play :S

Even RDR2 on 3 screens goes full blast on high settings. Although... I haven't tried Cyberpunk yet xD xD

I seriously hope the dev's will shrink the size down in the future and work on streamlining the code. But this is ridiculous :S :(

Shame, I was really looking forward to fooling around --get it? get it? get it? :p-- in this game...
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Reactions: Agony's Embrace


New Member
Apr 5, 2021
So first off i want to say that i am supporting this project through patreon and kll give you my reasons behind it. First this should be marketed as a developer/content creator alpha, however regardless its clearly defined as a sandbox which means you should assume a level of responsibility for your experience as a user, what you get out of this game will be determined by what you put into it and your level of skill in coding/content creation/imagination for me personally as a programmer and 3d computer graphics artist i love this project, i consider my patreon subscription a lot like kickstarter projects i invest it, i do so because i believe that the project has potential. As an investor theres always a degree of risk, but thats life. If you want something thats easy and without a clearly defined vision there are plenty of games out there and this project isnt for you or at least not yet. It was mentioned that cyberpunk had a huge dev team and they couldn't pull it off as if being a large production team thats already established ks always a good thing but id remind you of another sandbox game that was created by a single developer, minecraft. I currently running a 3090evga ftw3 ultra with a 5090x 64gb 3400 14/14/14 ram with a 32tb raid 10 and 2 2tb nvme with a 1tb nvme running at7000/7000 read write so this runs fine for me, i get it if it doesnt for you, if thats the case chose a different game. The fact that this game is ambitious is one of the reasons im in and want it to succeed and i think it will, so use you're discernment, you can choose to join in or not i don't care either way and i think this project will go forward regardless . As for me im going to keep playing around with it at 60fps and seeing how far the system can be pushed and i look forward to seeing where it goes over the next year.


Sep 1, 2017
I bet the people complaining about performance and game size never played Virtamate.
From the videos the game already seems miles ahead in terms of performance, and I mean it.
But Virtamate has years of development behind and it shows in the features.

I would suggest having a bare bone build with few assets for the people who just want to try it.
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