HTML - Abyss Diver Interactive [v1.2.2] [FloricSpacer]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed at version V1.2.2

    Honestly I like the game, I like the content, it's well written, but there isn't enough to engage the player gameplay-wise. If you like reading about the fantastical environments and journeys to get to the relics, this does it incredibly well, but that's just about all this game does. There's limited interaction with your party, what I have seen has been good, but I've also only seen 4 unique sex scenes from 3 characters, of which 3 were non-repeatable, 2 came from one character, and also only came because of getting 2 specific curses (one for each) and one came from getting a relic. Beyond that, I've barely let my character get caught in sex with the monsters, and while they are well described, there is only one variant per threat. So you aren't playing this game for the sex scenes, though if transformation content gets your jimmies off like it does for me, there is a TON of that, so + for that. But like I said, very little sex, very little gameplay, there's no quick time events, no minigames, no maps to traverse, no hard choices that affect your story, not even little random events that affect your party outside of threats/monster, but there's nothing like "Our path is filled with unstable rubble from a landslide, do we traverse it and probably get injured, or do we backtrack, and find another route costing us time?", nothing of that sort, which is kinda disappointing.

    Next, the ONLY 3 goals I've found reaching as deep as floor 6 (though my visit was very brief), are finding relics to use as equipment, or to sell, to find some plants for a dryad on floor 2, who only asks for plants from the 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors, and a guy on the second floor who asks you to steal some documents from the archive department on the surface. There is very little in the way of side objectives, honestly the game needs to add a system that rewards you for reaching each floor with money, something like "Here are 10 doubloons for your report on the first floor, here's 25 doubloons for your report on the second floor, here's 100 doubloons for your report on the third floor," so on, and so forth, because you will just see everyone saying to cheat in more resources. The game costs your corruption to go up towards the surface, the same resource you use to get relics, which you can only get 40 from the shop, 25/60/100 from a plant on the 4th floor depending on what you chose to do, some from wonders, a good portion of which usage of not only require you to have at least 1 party member, but most of them will piss off your party members, and lastly from taking on curse transformations, which as far as I can tell, most have no effect on gameplay, and really just affect what happens to you in your ending, and most curses can only be taken once, and your options to remove the curses are limited. And how do you make money? The only way I've found is to sell relics, which also serve as tools you may need.

    So you will quickly run out of money, corruption, or both, with the only way to get more of either to be to go down further into the dungeon, which is terrible because food and water becomes an issue the further down you go. On most floors you can just eat and drink whatever is down there, but it will give you more curses, without giving corruption, which, again, as far as I can tell, doesn't affect you in gameplay, but I like to TRY to keep my character from turning into an undesirable freakish monster.

    Really, I personally rate the game at 4/5 stars, but for people looking for a TF Sex-filled CYOA text based game this is entirely average if not below average game. The dev should work on adding more content to the game before adding new floors or anything (I haven't reached the bottom, maybe that part is done), especially quests, this game NEEEEEEEDS more resources, and more interactions, but I personally like it for what it is, I hope for more out of this as I have enjoyed my time with it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The concept is great, but you have to do a lot of work to get much out of this. I don't mean grind, I mean you need to write the goddamn story yourself in your head to fill in all the gaps when nothing happens. You're given a whole bunch of set-up but not much action. I guess this would work best if you had someone to be a 'quest master' to interact with. Lol.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    My favourite transformation game (playing since, reviewing 1.1.0, planning to play 1.2.0, but from changelog it doesn't look like gameplay changed dramatically).

    If you are heavily into transformations games, then it's worth a try, otherwise there is not much of a content — sexual scenes are few and far between, gameplay is very tedious without cheating, there is little reactivity.
    I'm not interested in sexual scenes, but if you are, there are very little amount of them. Companions have unique sex scenes, but enemies and companions, which are taken through relics or transformations, have few generic and repeatable scenes.

    Gameplay is, essentially, you going down to pick few relics, take few transformations to offset it, going back up, selling them, preparing for the next dive, repeat. If you want to see all gameplay without grinding, then buy everything from a shop, get into a huge debt, and dive and go down, until you reach the bottom floor. If you want to check surface afterwards, just adjust your corruption. It's the easiest way to see all content without too much grinding.

    About reactivity, you get some dialogues with your followers, but even then it's only some of transformation, and after one of later floors your followers stop reacting to changes at all.

    Overall, I will rate it 4/5, purely subjective, because I really like how transformations are made in this game, but also gameplay is very boring and grindy, if you want to play fairly and other content is lackluster.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I didn't like it. Everything about this game is mediocre or just bad. gameplay is nonexistence, dialogues are very dry. The concept of curses and relics is very interesting but overall the game feels like a shallow mix of other good text based games.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good story based game with pictures. There are a lot of things to do, various themes to explore and to customize your experience. Would love a second version with even more stuff. Thanks for making this.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is directed towards v1.1.1, which is the latest version posted on the site.

    To be honest, this game disappointed me a little as I was expecting a certain type of gameplay and came across something completely different.

    The premise of the game being a CYOA and such was pretty cool, and that was what led me to expect that you'd be meeting different people along the different layers of the Abyss, even in the city itself before parting... but once you start playing this game and get to experience it a little, this is not happening in the slightest.

    Interactions thus far seem very very limited.. you can't trigger an interaction with your party member if you wish to, interactions only happen as you find certain relics or go through different layers which isn't bad but in a general sense it just feels very lacking.

    I understand that there are characters which are more of a priority than others, what I mean by this is that there are characters who play a more important role on the story you're trying to create than others.. but thus far, except for your party members.. none of the other characters from the amount of time I spent on the game have a background so to speak.

    Writing isn't bad, but I would suggest spending some time into deciding which characters are going to play an important role on the story and which ones aren't... and giving them a story to them that you can get to know if you interact enough with them

    Furthermore, it would enhance the CYOA aspect greatly if the choices your character makes influences their personality. Perhaps, if the character has a certain personality, it could have more of an affinity with Reeds which seems like a suspicious guy or others.. and your party members could react to the path you're taking, even choosing to leave you if they don't want to follow you on your journey anymore, which could lead to different endings besides dying or just deciding to stay on the surface or a specific layer

    I like the fact that interactions seem to be based on how much affection you have with said person.. and it's realistic, as you would have to spend a moderate amount of time with someone so they trust you with their more personal things, so that's good.

    The world itself, each layer, feels lackluster and boring. Nothing really happens besides you searching for relics, which have certain benefits, some of those could even help your party members.. you applying curses to yourself to be able to ascend back onto the surface layer if you wish to

    Things to improve this would be to add dynamic events that could happen as you are exploring the layer, finding X threat at some point which you could engage on, sneak by if you don't have the means to fight them and continue onwards with your journey.. chances for that to fail and backfire you

    Things like those could help give this game some life and make it more interesting and engaging to play. As the game stands though, it gets boring pretty quickly when everything you're ever doing is pretty much finding relics and surviving.

    I saw that there are some events which involve you getting specific relics to be able to successfully get your objective, like Reed's mission, or Emily's fetch quest, which are cool.. but those characters could be a lot more meaningful to the story and impactful if given a bit of TLC (refer to my statement above about interactions)

    Artwork seems pretty good thus far, for relics, background, etc. This is the strongest point of the game I'd say, it shows that a lot of effort has been put into it

    I have to say, I was thinking that we would have longer sex scenes with artwork resembling them.. but the sex scenes are so few and far between that you honestly don't even bother about them until they happen (the only sex scene I experienced was Maru's one because I cheated the Sex Demon curse and his affection, which is why I can say they're not really all that descriptive.)

    Also, about the gameplay loop, I didn't like how simply by gathering up relics or doing certain tasks your character underwent physical changes. In the original source material that this game took inspiration from, the "Curse" takes the form of you experiencing certain things like hallucinations or even worse things if you try to climb back up through the layers.

    The relics themselves have certain powers that differ from relic to relic, but picking them up never really changed the person which seems like it does in this game. Hell, some relics are not even capable of being used unless you have a White Whistle which isn't a mechanic present in the game

    So, perhaps one way to solve this would be that when you pick up relics, you don't instantly suffer bodily changes but you only suffer changes to your body when you pick the curses from the list. This could enhance even more the CYOA aspect if say, you were only capable of choosing a select couple of curses depending on how you want your character to be like

    I saw that there is a submissive curse if you want your character to be more submissive and your party members to be more assertive, there were curses like the elfish ears which I liked, curses about being extremely sensitive and having no refractory period, etc.

    Maybe the food itself can or can not be poisonous and can have transformative effects, if you want to play with that, in the source material not every animal that the characters eat are poisonous or have changing effects.. you see that the food or water they consume is mostly pretty safe, and cooked.

    The game has potential really and I appreciate the effort put into making it, but a few aspects of the game could use improvements.

    Might give it a try in the future and see if it has improved.

  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.9.8.2

    Basically put, this game is a very complex CYOA (choose your own adventure), it doesnt have gameplay, the characters themselfs are basic, if you want you want to enjoy this game, you have to roleplay and immerse yourself in this blueprint of a world to expand it yourself. So if you are into that kind of thing, then this games is one of the best ones for singleplayer roleplay games on this site.

    Bit niche, but has done great work in that niche.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a lot of actual, explicit sexual content yet aside from curse descriptions and images.
    The curses and transformations you can get are all sexy and fun to think about, but they don't actually seem to affect much. Sometimes between floors your character will ruminate on their condition, or sometimes you get attacked by a monster that you don't have a way to deal with, but all the descriptions are very surface level.
    There are some curses that I really like the idea of (and would heavily affect the way you play), that just don't appear to do anything, and I would love to see those developed. For example, the barter system curse that makes you only want to pay for things with your body.
    I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes, but right now there's not actually a lot to get off on other than just the vibes of the setting and imagining what life for your character is like.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a fan of MIA and it's nice to see a game about this world.

    I'm testing out the features and am quite happy with them, the game is new but the content is quite large so there are still bugs, but the creator is very open to ideas and developing patches.

    Thanks for reading and wish FloricSpacer can go to the end of this journey.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    written at the time of version
    very interesting, but too far from complete... some curses don't work correctly or have various bugs (for example, after removing some curses, you may not be able to take them again ... or remove the curse, but after which it will become "unremovable"), companions are not revealed enough, a huge number of bugs, there are cycles on some floors (for example, to go from 8 floors to 7 or 9 you need to have at least 500 food and water, otherwise you run the risk of dying... at the time of the exit you will have, at best, 150 food and water left... at worst 10...), and the curse mechanic itself is sometimes "consistent" , and in some places it becomes quite "chaotic" (for example, you can get three different tails, and it could well be one that combined the features of all three, or you could make them mutually exclusive ... or make it possible to increase the number of only identical tails)... one can only hope that the developers will have the strength and patience to bring such a project to the end and bring all their ideas to a good state... the game is really worth it...
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    love it, though i cant wait to see more content added! game has some issues to work out, but its not bad! game could use some added items like things for the submissive curse, making it so if you wear a collar of some sort it makes it so you have to have a master(this should only be limted to your companions and only if you reach 60+ relationship with them, and only your prefered gender)
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Bored Smile

    Ill preface this by saying it seems the developer is aiming more towards having a fun game with sex elements then a porn game with fun elements, meaning the nsfw part of this game is likely never going to be absurdly good. Thats not to say this part will be neglected by the dev, but I doubt its ever going to become a significant portion of it outside of the corruption system.
    The corruption system in this game is very diverse, with the character customization ranging from something as simple as a hair color change, to gaining/losing multiple limbs. The relic system is also ramping up to be very good, it simply needs some more time in the oven so that more relics directly interact with the game.
    This game has an absurd amount of potential, and with how strong of a foundation the dev has given this game I fully believe they'll be able to realize this potential.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Attention!Bad English!

    This is a really interesting game.Not for long, but I felt a certain atmosphere of exploring the abyss.The system of curses is particularly interesting.
    Upsets only bugs. The inability to transfer curses to other characters, the disappearance of the conversation button with AI.And other small things.
    And in general, the project is worthy.My time was well spent.Good luck to the developer.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked the game very much, mainly the overall atmosphere, partly because i liked the anime.
    Overall, good job (for a game in progress).

    I'd like to repeat 2 complaints that i've seen here: game is too hard and there's too little sex.

    I think it could be a great game, in the stile of COC / TITS. I'd love it if the game had more sex options, and more interactivity, with the companions and even some NPC's. There's no need for elaborate art, even just text would be good. But it was frustrating that, for example, the only interaction with your companions would come from them. If they don's announce they want to talk, all i can do is read their description (and even that doesn't seem to include any modifications they picked up on the way, or that i forced upon them.
    And an "easy" mode might help those, like me, that are more interested in the story. I think just making the food/rations last 2x... or 10x longer would help a lot.

    If the game keeps updating, i'll try it again after a few iterations. Thank you for your work.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Basically an interactive version of the CYOA with extra steps and a few bugs here and there.
    If it had more interaction with the companions, or the endings were actually afected by the relics you get (I got one that states none of my actions caused by curses will be seen in a negative light or cause me legal trouble, and yet the police shows up in my ending costing me most of my money) it could be a four or five.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game, especially people who love the fetishes in these type of games. It's defiantly up there with being a great game and highly recommended. The curses in the game are a great, it adds a lot of opportunities to really enhance your experience in the game. All I can say to others is TRY it, you will love it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game from the start and it has made leaps and bounds since then. Now that the game is building off of its foundations, there is now some actual meat to this game. All developer needs to do now is take it slow and steady so they don't burn out.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Looks promising, but its not quite there yet.

    The main mechanics are implemented but they are far disconnected between themselves. There are a lot of relics you can collect but they rarely apply to any real practicality outside of "sell for money". As it is a CYOA, the game lets you choose if you think those artifacts are quite enough to tackle an enemy, but there is no real combat or graphics in case of naughty happenings.

    There are also no graphics for your own character or companions, in case they get transformed (understandable given the number of choices there, but still) and corruption seems to be difficult to acquire outside taking a ton of curses.

    Bugs, none that i have encountered aside from not being able to gift curses to willing companions and not being able to talk to companions outside what seems to be scripted events. In that regard the game is solid.

    Will keep an eye on this one, the game art is beautiful and has quite a lot of potential
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Let's start with the obvious; this is a converted video game from a Made in Abyss CYOA. The game uses audio files from the original Made in Abyss, and only a few pieces of artwork. Otherwise, it is its own entity, so don't get your hopes up expecting a certain MiA character to show up or something.

    The game is skeletal right now, but the transformation, curse, corruption look works pretty good. If you're just into seeing characters go through transformative changes and using that 'curse' to get different visual changes, then this is for you.

    Eventually the hope is that this becomes a fully fleshed-out game, or at least enough content to keep playing for a few hours more, in the next few updates.

    Right now it's very barebones, but the promise in this is genuinely exciting; the only other kind of games like this are either abandoned, or stuck in dev hell. Here's hoping this one does better.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Has a great start, but if this is close to the finished product its disappointing. Implicates a bunch of fetish sex scenes, but you barely get any at all. 0 in the town and basically 1 per creature and its unchanging based on the curses you take. Relics have not purpose at all from what I've seen, save for selling them. and its too unforgiving to be a sandbox like it seems to be going for.